Investigation of nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides for on-chip evanescent wave sensing

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Nathan A. Harper, Emily Y. Hwang, Philip A. Kocheril, Scott K. Cushing, | Summary: Thin-film lithium niobate is a promising photonic platform that could allow for light generation, manipulation, and sample interaction all within the same compact device. Integrated sample interaction geometries for on-chip sensors have […]

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Investigation of nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides for on-chip evanescent wave sensing

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Nathan A. Harper, Emily Y. Hwang, Philip A. Kocheril, Tze King Lam, Scott K. Cushing | Summary: Thin-film lithium niobate is a promising photonic platform for on-chip optical sensing because both nonlinear and linear components can be fabricated within one integrated device. To date, waveguided sample […]

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Characterization of the low electric field and zero-temperature two-level-system loss in hydrogenated amorphous silicon

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil R. Golwala | First 5 Authors: Fabien Defrance, Andrew D. Beyer, Shibo Shu, Jack Sayers, Sunil R. Golwala | Summary: Two-level systems (TLS) are an important, if not dominant, source of loss and noise for superconducting resonators such as those used in kinetic inductance detectors and some quantum information science platforms. They […]

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Dispersive-wave-agile optical frequency division

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry Vahala | First 5 Authors: Qing-Xin Ji, Wei Zhang, Peng Liu, Warren Jin, Joel Guo | Summary: The remarkable frequency stability of resonant systems in the optical domain (optical cavities and atomic transitions) can be harnessed at frequency scales accessible by electronics using optical frequency division. This capability is revolutionizing technologies spanning […]

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Direct Radiation Pressure Measurements for Lightsail Membranes

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Lior Michaeli, Ramon Gao, Michael D. Kelzenberg, Claudio U. Hail, Adrien Merkt | Summary: Ultrathin lightsails propelled by laser radiation pressure to relativistic speeds are currently the most promising route for flyby-based exoplanet exploration. However, there has been a notable lack of experimental characterization of key […]

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Chip-scale high-performance photonic microwave oscillator

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry Vahala | First 5 Authors: Yang He, Long Cheng, Heming Wang, Yu Zhang, Roy Meade | Summary: Optical frequency division based on bulk or fiber optics provides unprecedented spectral purity for microwave oscillators. To extend the applications of this approach, the big challenges are to develop miniaturized optical frequency division oscillators without […]

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Scalable Multipartite Entanglement of Remote Rare-earth Ion Qubits

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Andrei Ruskuc, Chun-Ju Wu, Emanuel Green, Sophie L. N. Hermans, Joonhee Choi | Summary: Single photon emitters with internal spin are leading contenders for developing quantum repeater networks, enabling long-range entanglement distribution for transformational technologies in communications and sensing. However, scaling beyond current few-node networks will require […]

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Stabilizing remote entanglement via waveguide dissipation

Kavli Affiliate: Mohammad Mirhosseini | First 5 Authors: Parth S. Shah, Frank Yang, Chaitali Joshi, Mohammad Mirhosseini, | Summary: Distributing entanglement between remote sites is integral to quantum networks. Here, we demonstrate the autonomous stabilization of remote entanglement between a pair of non-interacting superconducting qubits connected by an open waveguide on a chip. In this […]

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Workforce Development in Astronomy and Astroinformatics

Kavli Affiliate: Rana Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Kartik Sheth, Kevin Govender, Vanessa McBride, Laura Trouille, Puji Irawati | Summary: Policy Brief on "Workforce Development in Astronomy and Astroinformatics", distilled from the corresponding panel that was part of the discussions during S20 Policy Webinar on Astroinformatics for Sustainable Development held on 6-7 July 2023. The […]

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Monoclinic LaSb$_2$ Superconducting Thin Films

Kavli Affiliate: Joseph Falson | First 5 Authors: Adrian Llanos, Giovanna Campisi, Veronica Show, Jinwoong Kim, Reiley Dorrian | Summary: Rare-earth diantimondes exhibit coupling between structural and electronic orders which are tunable under pressure and temperature. Here we present the discovery of a new polymorph of LaSb$_2$ stabilized in thin films synthesized using molecular beam […]

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