Mutual Information Scaling for Tensor Network Machine Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Ian Convy, William Huggins, Haoran Liao, K. Birgitta Whaley, | Summary: Tensor networks have emerged as promising tools for machine learning, inspired by their widespread use as variational ansatze in quantum many-body physics. It is well known that the success of a given tensor network ansatz depends […]

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Principles of Low Dissipation Computing from a Stochastic Circuit Model

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Chloe Ya Gao, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: We introduce a thermodynamically consistent, minimal stochastic model for complementary logic gates built with field-effect transistors. We characterize the performance of such gates with tools from information theory and study the interplay between accuracy, speed, and […]

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Imaging local discharge cascades for correlated electrons in WS2/WSe2 moiré superlattices

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Hongyuan Li, Shaowei Li, Mit H. Naik, Jingxu Xie, Xinyu Li | Summary: Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) moir’e heterostructures provide an ideal platform to explore the extended Hubbard model1 where long-range Coulomb interactions play a critical role in determining strongly correlated electron states. This has led […]

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Vibrational relaxation dynamics in layered perovskite quantum wells

Kavli Affiliate: Peidong Yang | First 5 Authors: Li Na Quan, Yoonjae Park, Peijun Guo, Mengyu Gao, Jianbo Jin | Summary: Organic-inorganic layered perovskites are two-dimensional quantum wells with layers of lead-halide octahedra stacked between organic ligand barriers. The combination of their dielectric confinement and ionic sublattice results in excitonic excitations with substantial binding energies […]

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Chemically-Localized Resonant Excitons in Silver-Pnictogen Halide Double Perovskites

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Raisa-Ioana Biega, Marina R. Filip, Linn Leppert, Jeffrey B. Neaton, | Summary: Halide double perovskites with alternating silver and pnictogen cations are an emerging family of photoabsorber materials with robust stability and band gaps in the visible range. However, the nature of optical excitations in these […]

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Dynamic lattice distortions driven by surface trapping in semiconductor nanocrystals

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Alivisatos | First 5 Authors: Burak Guzelturk, Benjamin L. Cotts, Dipti Jasrasaria, John P. Philbin, David A. Hanifi | Summary: Nonradiative processes limit optoelectronic functionality of nanocrystals and curb their device performance. Nevertheless, the dynamic structural origins of nonradiative relaxations in nanocrystals are not understood. Here, femtosecond electron diffraction measurements corroborated by […]

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QubiC: An open source FPGA-based control and measurement system for superconducting quantum information processors

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Yilun Xu, Gang Huang, Jan Balewski, Ravi Naik, Alexis Morvan | Summary: As quantum information processors grow in quantum bit (qubit) count and functionality, the control and measurement system becomes a limiting factor to large scale extensibility. To tackle this challenge and keep pace with rapidly evolving […]

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The role of disorder in the synthesis of metastable ternary nitrides

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Rachel Woods-Robinson, Vladan Stevanović, Stephan Lany, Karen N. Heinselman, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: In materials science, it is often assumed that ground state crystal structures predicted by density functional theory are the easiest polymorphs to synthesize. Ternary nitride materials, with many possible metastable polymorphs, provide […]

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The role of disorder in the synthesis of metastable zinc zirconium nitrides

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Rachel Woods-Robinson, Vladan Stevanović, Stephan Lany, Karen N. Heinselman, Matthew K. Horton | Summary: In materials science, it is often assumed that ground state crystal structures predicted by density functional theory are the easiest polymorphs to synthesize. Ternary nitride materials, with many possible metastable polymorphs, provide […]

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Tunable ferromagnetism at non-integer filling of a moiré superlattice

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Guorui Chen, Aaron L. Sharpe, Eli J. Fox, Shaoxin Wang, Bosai Lyu | Summary: The flat bands resulting from moir’e superlattices in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) and ABC-trilayer graphene aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (ABC-TLG/hBN) have been shown to give rise to fascinating correlated electron […]

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