Insights into photosynthetic energy transfer gained from free-energy structure: Coherent transport, incoherent hopping, and vibrational assistance revisited

Kavli Affiliate: Graham R. Fleming | First 5 Authors: Akihito Ishizaki, Graham R. Fleming, , , | Summary: Giant strides in ultrashort laser pulse technology have enabled real-time observation of dynamical processes in complex molecular systems. Specifically, the discovery of oscillatory transients in the two-dimensional electronic spectra of photosynthetic systems stimulated a number of theoretical […]

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Diversity in immunogenomics: the value and the challenge

Kavli Affiliate: Carlos Bustamante | First 5 Authors: Kerui Peng, Yana Safonova, Mikhail Shugay, Alice Popejoy, Oscar Rodriguez | Summary: With the advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies, the fields of immunogenomics and adaptive immune receptor repertoire research are facing both opportunities and challenges. Adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) has become an increasingly important tool […]

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Imaging spinon density modulations in a 2D quantum spin liquid

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Wei Ruan, Yi Chen, Shujie Tang, Jinwoong Hwang, Hsin-Zon Tsai | Summary: Two-dimensional triangular-lattice antiferromagnets are predicted under some conditions to exhibit a quantum spin liquid ground state whose low-energy behavior is described by a spinon Fermi surface. Directly imaging the resulting spinons, however, is difficult […]

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Vibronic response of a spin-1/2 state from a carbon impurity in two-dimensional WS$_2$

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Katherine A. Cochrane, Jun-Ho Lee, Christoph Kastl, Jonah B. Haber, Tianyi Zhang | Summary: We demonstrate the creation of a spin-1/2 state via the atomically controlled generation of magnetic carbon radical ions (CRIs) in synthetic two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Hydrogenated carbon impurities located at chalcogen […]

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Efficient calculation of carrier scattering rates from first principles

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Alex M. Ganose, Junsoo Park, Alireza Faghaninia, Rachel Woods-Robinson, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: The electronic transport behaviour of materials determines their suitability for technological applications. We develop an efficient method for calculating carrier scattering rates of solid-state semiconductors and insulators from first principles inputs. The […]

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Visualizing delocalized correlated electronic states in twisted double bilayer graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Canxun Zhang, Tiancong Zhu, Salman Kahn, Shaowei Li, Birui Yang | Summary: The discovery of interaction-driven insulating and superconducting phases in moir’e van der Waals heterostructures has sparked considerable interest in understanding the novel correlated physics of these systems. While a significant number of studies have […]

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Charging-driven coarsening and melting of a colloidal nanoparticle monolayer at an ionic liquid-vacuum interface

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: Connor G. Bischak, Jonathan G. Raybin, Jonathon W. Kruppe, Naomi S. Ginsberg, | Summary: We induce and investigate the coarsening and melting dynamics of an initially static nanoparticle colloidal monolayer at an ionic liquid-vacuum interface, driven by a focused, scanning electron beam. Coarsening occurs through grain […]

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Amplify-and-Forward Relaying for Hierarchical Over-the-Air Computation

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Jie Xu, Vincent K. N. Lau, Shuguang Cui, | Summary: This paper studies a hierarchical over-the-air computation (AirComp) network over a large area, in which multiple relays are exploited to facilitate data aggregation from massive WDs. We present a two-phase amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying protocol. In […]

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Crystalline symmetry-protected non-trivial topology in prototype compound BaAl$_4$

Kavli Affiliate: Alessandra Lanzara | First 5 Authors: Kefeng Wang, Ryo Mori, Zhijun Wang, Limin Wang, Jonathan Han Son Ma | Summary: The BaAl$_4$ prototype crystal structure is the most populous of all structure types, and is the building block for a diverse set of sub-structures including the famous ThCr$_2$Si$_2$ family that hosts high-temperature superconductivity […]

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Band gap renormalization, carrier mobilities, and the electron-phonon self-energy in crystalline naphthalene

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Florian Brown-Altvater, Gabriel Antonius, Tonatiuh Rangel, Matteo Giantomassi, Claudia Draxl | Summary: Organic molecular crystals are expected to feature appreciable electron-phonon interactions that influence their electronic properties at zero and finite temperature. In this work, we report first-principles calculations and an analysis of the electron-phonon self-energy […]

Continue.. Band gap renormalization, carrier mobilities, and the electron-phonon self-energy in crystalline naphthalene