Time-varying Graph Learning Under Structured Temporal Priors

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Qiao Wang, , , | Summary: This paper endeavors to learn time-varying graphs by using structured temporal priors that assume underlying relations between arbitrary two graphs in the graph sequence. Different from many existing chain structure based methods in which the priors like temporal homogeneity […]

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Quantum Criticality Using a Superconducting Quantum Processor

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Maxime Dupont, Joel E. Moore, , , | Summary: Quantum criticality emerges from the collective behavior of many interacting quantum particles, often at the transition between different phases of matter. It is one of the cornerstones of condensed matter physics, which we access on noisy intermediate-scale […]

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AutoGCL: Automated Graph Contrastive Learning via Learnable View Generators

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yihang Yin, Qingzhong Wang, Siyu Huang, Haoyi Xiong, Xiang Zhang | Summary: Contrastive learning has been widely applied to graph representation learning, where the view generators play a vital role in generating effective contrastive samples. Most of the existing contrastive learning methods employ pre-defined view generation methods, […]

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Imaging reconfigurable molecular concentration on a graphene field-effect transistor

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Franklin Liou, Hsin-Zon Tsai, Andrew S. Aikawa, Kyler C. Natividad, Eric Tang | Summary: The spatial arrangement of adsorbates deposited onto a clean surface in vacuum typically cannot be reversibly tuned. Here we use scanning tunneling microscopy to demonstrate that molecules deposited onto graphene field-effect transistors […]

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Topological quantum interference in a pumped Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattice

Kavli Affiliate: K. Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Zeng-Zhao Li, Juan Atalaya, K. Birgitta Whaley, , | Summary: Topological quantum interference emerges from the interplay between quantum mechanics and topology. We present evidence for two types of such interference phenomenon that can result from the quantum dynamics of initial topological states. We realize both […]

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Note: Nonuniqueness of generalized quantum master equations for a single observable

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Nathan Ng, David T. Limmer, Eran Rabani, , | Summary: When deriving exact generalized master equations for the evolution of a reduced set of degrees of freedom, one is free to choose what quantities are relevant by specifying projection operators. However, obtaining a reduced description does […]

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High-fidelity three-qubit iToffoli gate for fixed-frequency superconducting qubits

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Yosep Kim, Alexis Morvan, Long B. Nguyen, Ravi K. Naik, Christian Jünger | Summary: The development of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices has extended the scope of executable quantum circuits with high-fidelity single- and two-qubit gates. Equipping NISQ devices with three-qubit gates will enable the realization of […]

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High-fidelity three-qubit iToffoli gate for fixed-frequency superconducting qubits

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Yosep Kim, Alexis Morvan, Long B. Nguyen, Ravi K. Naik, Christian Jünger | Summary: The development of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices has extended the scope of executable quantum circuits with high-fidelity single- and two-qubit gates. Equipping NISQ devices with three-qubit gates will enable the realization of […]

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Demonstration of universal control between non-interacting qubits using the Quantum Zeno effect

Kavli Affiliate: K. Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Eliya Blumenthal, Chen Mor, Asaf A. Diringer, Leigh S. Martin, Philippe Lewalle | Summary: The Zeno effect occurs in quantum systems when a very strong measurement is applied, which can alter the dynamics in non-trivial ways. Despite being dissipative, the dynamics stay coherent within any degenerate […]

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