Observation of a multitude of correlated states at the surface of bulk 1T-TaSe$_2$ crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Yi Chen, Wei Ruan, Jeffrey D. Cain, Ryan L. Lee, Salman Kahn | Summary: The interplay between electron-electron interactions and structural ordering can yield exceptionally rich correlated electronic phases. We have used scanning tunneling microscopy to investigate bulk 1T-TaSe2 and have uncovered surprisingly diverse correlated surface […]

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Renormalization of excitonic properties by polar phonons

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Yoonjae Park, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: We employ quasiparticle path integral molecular dynamics to study how the excitonic properties of model semiconductors are altered by electron-phonon coupling. We describe ways within a path integral representation of the system to evaluate the renormalized mass, […]

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Say NO to Optimization: A Non-Orthogonal Quantum Eigensolver

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Unpil Baek, Diptarka Hait, James Shee, Oskar Leimkuhler, William J. Huggins | Summary: A balanced description of both static and dynamic correlations in electronic systems with nearly degenerate low-lying states presents a challenge for multi-configurational methods on classical computers. We present here a quantum algorithm utilizing the […]

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Impartial Selection with Additive Guarantees via Iterated Deletion

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Javier Cembrano, Felix Fischer, David Hannon, Max Klimm, | Summary: Impartial selection is the selection of an individual from a group based on nominations by other members of the group, in such a way that individuals cannot influence their own chance of selection. We give a deterministic […]

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Impartial Selection with Additive Guarantees via Iterated Deletion

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Javier Cembrano, Felix Fischer, David Hannon, Max Klimm, | Summary: Impartial selection is the selection of an individual from a group based on nominations by other members of the group, in such a way that individuals cannot influence their own chance of selection. For this problem, we […]

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Multiple-Photon Resonance Enabled Quantum Interference in Emission Spectroscopy of N_2^+

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Qi Lu, Yalei Zhu, Jing Zhao, Rostyslav Danylo | Summary: Quantum interference occurs frequently in the interaction of laser radiation with materials, leading to a series of fascinating effects such as lasing without inversion, electromagnetically induced transparency, Fano resonance, etc. Such quantum interference effects are […]

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The Temporal and Spatial Behaviors of CME Occurrence Rate at Different Latitudes

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Jiaqi Lin, Feng Wang, Linhua Deng, Hui Deng, Ying Mei | Summary: The statistical study of the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) is a hot topic in solar physics. To further reveal the temporal and spatial behaviors of the CMEs at different latitudes and heights, we analyzed the […]

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Improved Sensitivity for Space Domain Awareness Observations with the Murchison Widefield Array

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Steve Prabu, Paul J Hancock, Xiang Zhang, Steven J Tingay, Torrance Hodgson | Summary: Our previously reported survey of the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environment using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) detected over 70 unique Resident Space Objects (RSOs) over multiple passes, from 20 hours of observations […]

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Exciton-Driven Renormalization of Quasiparticle Band Structure in Monolayer MoS2

Kavli Affiliate: Alessandra Lanzara | First 5 Authors: Yi Lin, Yang-hao Chan, Woojoo Lee, Li-Syuan Lu, Zhenglu Li | Summary: Optical excitation serves as a powerful approach to control the electronic structure of layered Van der Waals materials via many-body screening effects, induced by photoexcited free carriers, or via light-driven coherence, such as optical Stark […]

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SWAP gate between a Majorana qubit and a parity-protected superconducting qubit

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Luca Chirolli, Norman Y. Yao, Joel E. Moore, , | Summary: High fidelity quantum information processing requires a combination of fast gates and long-lived quantum memories. In this work, we propose a hybrid architecture, where a parity-protected superconducting qubit is directly coupled to a Majorana qubit, […]

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