3G R&D: R&D for the Next Generation of Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Stavros Katsanevas | First 5 Authors: David McClelland, Harald Lueck, Rana Adhikari, Masaki Ando, GariLynn Billingsley | Summary: To deliver on the promise of next generation gravitational-wave observatories, a sustained and coordinated detector research and development program is required. This report examines in detail the wide range of nearer- and longer-term detector R&D […]

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The Next Generation Global Gravitational Wave Observatory: The Science Book

Kavli Affiliate: Takaaki Kajita | First 5 Authors: Vicky Kalogera, B. S. Sathyaprakash, Matthew Bailes, Marie-Anne Bizouard, Alessandra Buonanno | Summary: The next generation of ground-based gravitational-wave detectors will observe coalescences of black holes and neutron stars throughout the cosmos, thousands of them with exceptional fidelity. The Science Book is the result of a 3-year […]

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An Exploration of Possible Governance Models for the Future Global Gravitational-Wave Observatory Network

Kavli Affiliate: Stavros Katsanevas | First 5 Authors: Stavros Katsanevas, Gary Sanders, Beverly Berger, Gabriela González, James Hough | Summary: The construction of a global network of detectors is the cornerstone to scientific success for 3rd generation gravitational wave astronomy. If carried out with a vision to the future, the third generation implementation, in its […]

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An Exploration of Possible Governance Models for the Future Global Gravitational-Wave Observatory Network

Kavli Affiliate: Stavros Katsanevas | First 5 Authors: Stavros Katsanevas, Gary Sanders, Beverly Berger, Gabriela González, James Hough | Summary: The construction of a global network of detectors is the cornerstone to scientific success for 3rd generation gravitational wave astronomy. If carried out with a vision to the future, the third generation implementation, in its […]

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Future Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Observatories: Synergies with Other Scientific Communities

Kavli Affiliate: Stavros Katsanevas | First 5 Authors: Michele Punturo, David Reitze, Peter Couvares, Stavros Katsanevas, Takaaki Kajita | Summary: Planning for the development of a 3rd generation global gravitational-wave detector array is a multifaceted and complex effort that will necessarily need a high level of community input. Interfacing to extant and new stakeholders in […]

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Gravitational Wave Data Analysis: Computing Challenges in the 3G Era

Kavli Affiliate: Takaaki Kajita | First 5 Authors: Peter Couvares, Ian Bird, Ed Porter, Stefano Bagnasco, Michele Punturo | Summary: Cyber infrastructure will be a critical consideration in the development of next generation gravitational-wave detectors. The demand for data analysis computing in the 3G era will be driven by the high number of detections as […]

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Expanding the Reach of Gravitational Wave Astronomy to the Edge of the Universe: The Gravitational-Wave International Committee Study Reports on Next Generation Ground-based Gravitational-Wave Observatories

Kavli Affiliate: Takaaki Kajita | First 5 Authors: David Reitze, Michele Punturo, Peter Couvares, Stavros Katsanevas, Takaaki Kajita | Summary: The first direct detection of gravitational waves emitted from a pair of merging black holes in 2015 has been heralded as one of most significant scientific breakthroughs in physics and astronomy of the 21st century. […]

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On the synthesis of heavy nuclei in protomagnetar outflows and implications for ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Mukul Bhattacharya, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Kohta Murase, , | Summary: It has been suggested that strongly magnetised and rapidly rotating protoneutron stars (PNSs) may produce long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) originating from stellar core collapse. We explore the steady-state properties and heavy element nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven winds from […]

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Outer Automorphism Anomalies

Kavli Affiliate: Hitoshi Murayama | First 5 Authors: Brian Henning, Xiaochuan Lu, Tom Melia, Hitoshi Murayama, | Summary: We discuss anomalies associated with outer automorphisms in gauge theories based on classical groups, namely charge conjugations for $SU(N)$ and parities for $SO(2r)$. We emphasize the inequivalence between two versions of charge conjugation for $SU(N)$ symmetries, and […]

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Universal fine grained asymptotics of weakly coupled Quantum Field Theory

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Melia | First 5 Authors: Weiguang Cao, Tom Melia, Sridip Pal, , | Summary: We give a proof that in any weakly coupled quantum field theory with a finite group global symmetry $mathrm{G}$, on a compact spatial manifold, at sufficiently high energy, the density of states $rho_alpha(E)$ for each irreducible representation $alpha$ […]

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