SOFIA-upGREAT imaging spectroscopy of the [C II] 158um fine structure line of the Sgr B region in the Galactic center

Kavli Affiliate: R. Morris | First 5 Authors: A. I. Harris, R. Güsten, M. A. Requena-Torres, D. Riquelme, M. R. Morris | Summary: We report SOFIA-upGREAT spectroscopic imaging of the [C II] 158um spectral line, as well as a number of [O I] 63um spectra, across a 67×45 pc field toward the Sgr B region […]

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Modeling Nearest Neighbor distributions of biased tracers using Hybrid Effective Field Theory

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: Arka Banerjee, Nickolas Kokron, Tom Abel, , | Summary: We investigate the application of Hybrid Effective Field Theory (HEFT) — which combines a Lagrangian bias expansion with subsequent particle dynamics from $N$-body simulations — to the modeling of $k$-Nearest Neighbor Cumulative Distribution Functions ($k{rm NN}$-${rm CDF}$s) of […]

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Extragalactic magnetism with SOFIA (Legacy Program) — II: A magnetically-driven flow in the starburst ring of NGC 1097

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Rainer Beck, Susan E. Clark, Annie Hughes, Alejandro S. Borlaff | Summary: Galactic bars are frequent in disk galaxies and they may support the transfer of matter towards the central engine of active nuclei. The barred galaxy NGC 1097 has magnetic forces controlling the […]

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XMM-Newton Observes the Intrabinary Shock of PSR J1959+2048

Kavli Affiliate: Roger W. Romani | First 5 Authors: D. Kandel, Roger W. Romani, Hongjun An, , | Summary: In a multi-orbit (100 ks) $mathrm{it XMM-Newton}$ exposure of the original black widow pulsar, PSR J1959+2048, we measure the strong orbital modulation caused by intrabinary shock (IBS) emission. The IBS light curve peak appears asymmetric, which […]

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Warming up cold inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: William DeRocco, Peter W. Graham, Saarik Kalia, , | Summary: The axion is a well-motivated candidate for the inflaton, as the radiative corrections that spoil many single-field models are avoided by virtue of its shift symmetry. However, axions generically couple to gauge sectors. As the axion […]

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A shock near the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Steven W. Allen | First 5 Authors: Zhenlin Zhu, Aurora Simionescu, Hiroki Akamatsu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jelle S. Kaastra | Summary: Previous X-ray studies of the Perseus Cluster, consisting of 85 Suzaku pointings along eight azimuthal directions, revealed a particularly steep decrease in the projected temperature profile near the virial radius (~r200) towards the […]

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Constraining particle acceleration in Sgr A* with simultaneous GRAVITY, Spitzer, NuSTAR and Chandra observations

Kavli Affiliate: R. Morris | First 5 Authors: R. Abuter, A. Amorim, M. Bauböck, F. Baganoff, J. P. Berge | Summary: We report the time-resolved spectral analysis of a bright near-infrared and moderate X-ray flare of Sgr A*. We obtained light curves in the $M$-, $K$-, and $H$-bands in the mid- and near-infrared and in […]

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The Hough Stream Spotter: A New Method for Detecting Linear Structure in Resolved Stars and Application to the Stellar Halo of M31

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Sarah Pearson, Susan E. Clark, Alexis J. Demirjian, Kathryn V. Johnston, Melissa K. Ness | Summary: Stellar streams from globular clusters (GCs) offer constraints on the nature of dark matter and have been used to explore the dark matter halo structure and substructure of our Galaxy. […]

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The Design and Integrated Performance of SPT-3G

Kavli Affiliate: C. L. Kuo | First 5 Authors: J. A. Sobrin, A. J. Anderson, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, D. Dutcher | Summary: SPT-3G is the third survey receiver operating on the South Pole Telescope dedicated to high-resolution observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Sensitive measurements of the temperature and polarization anisotropies […]

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