Filamentary Dust Polarization and the Morphology of Neutral Hydrogen Structures

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: George Halal, Susan E. Clark, Ari Cukierman, Dominic Beck, Chao-Lin Kuo | Summary: Filamentary structures in neutral hydrogen (H I) emission are well-aligned with the interstellar magnetic field, so H I emission morphology can be used to construct templates that strongly correlate with measurements of polarized […]

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Filamentary Dust Polarization and the Morphology of Neutral Hydrogen Structures

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: George Halal, Susan E. Clark, Ari Cukierman, Dominic Beck, Chao-Lin Kuo | Summary: Filamentary structures in neutral hydrogen (HI) emission are well aligned with the interstellar magnetic field, so HI emission morphology can be used to construct templates that strongly correlate with measurements of polarized thermal […]

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First detection of X-ray polarization from the accreting neutron star 4U 1820-303

Kavli Affiliate: Roger W. Romani | First 5 Authors: Alessandro Di Marco, Fabio La Monaca, Juri Poutanen, Thomas D. Russell, Alessio Anitra | Summary: This paper reports the first detection of polarization in the X-rays for atoll-source 4U 1820-303, obtained with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) at 99.999% confidence level (CL). Simultaneous polarimetric measurements […]

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PROVABGS: The Probabilistic Stellar Mass Function of the BGS One-Percent Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: ChangHoon Hahn, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Shadab Alam, Steven Ahlen, David Brooks | Summary: We present the probabilistic stellar mass function (pSMF) of galaxies in the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS), observed during the One-Percent Survey. The One-Percent Survey was one of DESI’s survey validation programs conducted […]

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The DESI One-Percent Survey: Exploring the Halo Occupation Distribution of Luminous Red Galaxies and Quasi-Stellar Objects with AbacusSummit

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Sihan Yuan, Hanyu Zhang, Ashley J. Ross, Jamie Donald-McCann, Boryana Hadzhiyska | Summary: We present the first comprehensive Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) analysis of the DESI One-Percent survey Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) and Quasi-Stellar Object (QSO) samples. We constrain the HOD of each sample and test […]

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The DESI One-Percent Survey: Exploring the Halo Occupation Distribution of Luminous Red Galaxies and Quasi-Stellar Objects with AbacusSummit

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Sihan Yuan, Hanyu Zhang, Ashley J. Ross, Jamie Donald-McCann, Boryana Hadzhiyska | Summary: We present the first comprehensive Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) analysis of the DESI One-Percent survey Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) and Quasi-Stellar Object (QSO) samples. We constrain the HOD of each sample and test […]

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The need for focused, hard X-ray investigations of the Sun

Kavli Affiliate: Vahe Petrosian | First 5 Authors: Lindsay Glesener, Albert Y. Shih, Amir Caspi, Ryan Milligan, Hugh Hudson | Summary: Understanding the nature of energetic particles in the solar atmosphere is one of the most important outstanding problems in heliophysics. Flare-accelerated particles compose a huge fraction of the flare energy budget; they have large […]

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The need for focused, hard X-ray investigations of the Sun

Kavli Affiliate: Vahe Petrosian | First 5 Authors: Lindsay Glesener, Albert Y. Shih, Amir Caspi, Ryan Milligan, Hugh Hudson | Summary: Understanding the nature of energetic particles in the solar atmosphere is one of the most important outstanding problems in heliophysics. Flare-accelerated particles compose a huge fraction of the flare energy budget; they have large […]

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Spectral variability of photospheric radiation due to faculae II: Facular contrasts for cool main-sequence stars

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Cameron | First 5 Authors: Charlotte M. Norris, Yvonne C. Unruh, Veronika Witzke, Sami K. Solanki, Natalie A. Krivova | Summary: Magnetic features on the surface of stars, such as spots and faculae, cause stellar spectral variability on time-scales of days and longer. For stars other than the Sun, the spectral signatures […]

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Cluster Cosmology Without Cluster Finding

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Enia Xhakaj, Alexie Leauthaud, Johannes Lange, Elisabeth Krause, Andrew Hearin | Summary: We propose that observations of super-massive galaxies contain cosmological constraining power similar to conventional cluster cosmology, and we provide promising indications that the associated systematic errors are comparably easier to control. We consider a […]

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