The Speed of Sound in Methane under Conditions of the Thermal Boundary Layer of Uranus

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Graham | First 5 Authors: Thomas G. White, Hannah Poole, Emma E. McBride, Matthew Oliver, Adrien Descamps | Summary: We present the first direct observations of acoustic waves in warm dense matter. We analyze wavenumber- and energy-resolved X-ray spectra taken from warm dense methane created by laser-heating a cryogenic liquid jet. X-ray […]

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Speed of sound in methane under conditions of planetary interiors

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Graham | First 5 Authors: Thomas G. White, Hannah Poole, Emma E. McBride, Matthew Oliver, Adrien Descamps | Summary: We present direct observations of acoustic waves in warm dense matter. We analyze wave-number- and energy-resolved x-ray spectra taken from warm dense methane created by laser heating a cryogenic liquid jet. X-ray diffraction […]

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Constraints on Dark Matter from Dynamical Heating of Stars in Ultrafaint Dwarfs. Part 1: MACHOs and Primordial Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, , , | Summary: We place limits on dark matter made up of compact objects significantly heavier than a solar mass, such as MACHOs or primordial black holes (PBHs). In galaxies, the gas of such objects is generally hotter than the […]

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Constraints on Dark Matter from Dynamical Heating of Stars in Ultrafaint Dwarfs. Part 1: MACHOs and Primordial Black Holes

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, , , | Summary: We place limits on dark matter made up of compact objects significantly heavier than a solar mass, such as MACHOs or primordial black holes (PBHs). In galaxies, the gas of such objects is generally hotter than the […]

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Coherent Self-Interactions of Dark Matter in the Bullet Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Peter W. Graham | First 5 Authors: Zachary Bogorad, Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, , | Summary: Many models of dark matter include self-interactions beyond gravity. A variety of astrophysical observations have previously been used to place limits on the strength of such self-interactions. However, previous works have generally focused either on short-range […]

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A Bayesian Approach to Strong Lens Finding in the Era of Wide-area Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Philip Holloway, Philip J. Marshall, Aprajita Verma, Anupreeta More, Raoul Cañameras | Summary: The arrival of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), Euclid-Wide and Roman wide area sensitive surveys will herald a new era in strong lens science in which […]

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A Bayesian Approach to Strong Lens Finding in the Era of Wide-area Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Philip Holloway, Philip J. Marshall, Aprajita Verma, Anupreeta More, Raoul Cañameras | Summary: The arrival of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), Euclid-Wide and Roman wide area sensitive surveys will herald a new era in strong lens science in which […]

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Numerical integrator for highly oscillatory differential equations based on the Neumann series

Kavli Affiliate: Grzegorz Madejski | First 5 Authors: Rafał Perczyński, Grzegorz Madejski, , , | Summary: We propose a third-order numerical integrator based on the Neumann series and the Filon quadrature, designed mainly for highly oscillatory partial differential equations. The method can be applied to equations that exhibit small or moderate oscillations; however, counter-intuitively, large […]

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Numerical integrator for highly oscillatory differential equations based on the Neumann series

Kavli Affiliate: Grzegorz Madejski | First 5 Authors: Rafał Perczyński, Grzegorz Madejski, , , | Summary: We propose a third-order numerical integrator based on the Neumann series and the Filon quadrature, designed mainly for highly oscillatory partial differential equations. The method can be applied to equations that exhibit small or moderate oscillations; however, counter-intuitively, large […]

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Highly Significant Detection of X-Ray Polarization from the Brightest Accreting Neutron Star Sco X-1

Kavli Affiliate: Nicola Omodei | First 5 Authors: Fabio La Monaca, Alessandro Di Marco, Juri Poutanen, Matteo Bachetti, Sara E. Motta | Summary: The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) measured with high significance the X-ray polarization of the brightest Z-source Scorpius X-1, resulting in the nominal 2-8 keV energy band in a polarization degree of […]

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