Vetting quark-star models with gravitational waves in the hierarchical Bayesian framework

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Ziming Wang, Yong Gao, Dicong Liang, Junjie Zhao, Lijing Shao | Summary: The recent discovery of gravitational waves (GWs) has opened a new avenue for investigating the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter in compact stars, which is an outstanding problem in astronomy and nuclear physics. […]

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Topological K-theory of quasi-BPS categories for Higgs bundles

Kavli Affiliate: Yukinobu Toda | First 5 Authors: Tudor Pădurariu, Yukinobu Toda, , , | Summary: In a previous paper, we introduced quasi-BPS categories for moduli stacks of semistable Higgs bundles. Under a certain condition on the rank, Euler characteristic, and weight, the quasi-BPS categories (called BPS in this case) are non-commutative analogues of Hitchin […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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Sherpa: An Open Source Python Fitting Package

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Principe | First 5 Authors: Aneta Siemiginowska, Douglas Burke, Hans Moritz Günther, Nicholas P. Lee, Warren McLaughlin | Summary: We present an overview of Sherpa, an open source Python project, and discuss its development history, broad design concepts and capabilities. Sherpa contains powerful tools for combining parametric models into complex expressions […]

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Detection of Dark Matter Coherent Scattering via Torsion Balance with Test Bodies of Different Sizes

Kavli Affiliate: Shigeki Matsumoto | First 5 Authors: Shigeki Matsumoto, Jie Sheng, Chuan-Yang Xing, , | Summary: Dark matter with mass in the crossover range between wave dark matter and particle dark matter, around $(10^{-3},, 10^3),$eV, remains relatively unexplored by terrestrial experiments. In this mass regime, dark matter scatters coherently with macroscopic objects. The effect […]

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