Characterization of Skipper CCDs for Cosmological Applications

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Alex Drlica-Wagner, Edgar Marrufo Villalpando, Judah O’Neil, Juan Estrada, Stephen Holland | Summary: We characterize the response of a novel 250 $mu$m thick, fully-depleted Skipper Charged-Coupled Device (CCD) to visible/near-infrared light with a focus on potential applications for astronomical observations. We achieve stable, single-electron resolution with readout […]

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An Information Paradox and Its Resolution in de Sitter Holography

Kavli Affiliate: Yasunori Nomura | First 5 Authors: Hao Geng, Yasunori Nomura, Hao-Yu Sun, , | Summary: We formulate a version of the information paradox in de Sitter spacetime and show that it is solved by the emergence of entanglement islands in the context of the DS/dS correspondence; in particular, the entanglement entropy of a […]

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Picosecond Laser Ablation of Millimeter-Wave Subwavelength Structures on Alumina and Sapphire

Kavli Affiliate: Tomotake Matsumura | First 5 Authors: Qi Wen, Elena Fadeeva, Shaul Hanany, Jürgen Koch, Tomotake Matsumura | Summary: We use a 1030 nm laser with 7 ps pulse duration and average power up to 100 W to ablate pyramid-shape subwavelength structures (SWS) on alumina and sapphire. The SWS give an effective and cryogenically […]

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Modelling the Multiwavelength Variability of Mrk 335 using Gaussian Processes

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Ryan-Rhys Griffiths, Jiachen Jiang, Douglas J. K. Buisson, Dan R. Wilkins, Luigi C. Gallo | Summary: The optical and UV variability of the majority of AGN may be related to the reprocessing of rapidly-changing X-ray emission from a more compact region near the central black hole. Such […]

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On the Mass Loading of AGN-Driven Outflows in Elliptical Galaxies and Clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Yu Qiu, Brian R. McNamara, Tamara Bogdanovic, Kohei Inayoshi, Luis C. Ho | Summary: Outflows driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN) are an important channel for accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs) to interact with their host galaxies and clusters. Properties of the outflows are however poorly constrained […]

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Covariant phase space for gravity with boundaries: metric vs tetrad formulations

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Juan Margalef-Bentabol, Valle Varo, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, | Summary: We use covariant phase space methods to study the metric and tetrad formulations of General Relativity in a manifold with boundary and compare the results obtained in both approaches. Proving their equivalence […]

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Large R-charge EFT correlators in N=2 SQCD

Kavli Affiliate: Simeon Hellerman | First 5 Authors: Simeon Hellerman, Domenico Orlando, , , | Summary: We consider large-R-charge Coulomb branch correlation functions in $mathcal{N} = 2$ superconformal QCD in D=4 dimensions, with gauge group $SU(2)$ and $N_f = 4$ hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation. Using information from supersymmetric recursion relations, S-duality, and matching of […]

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Disk, Corona, Jet Connection in the Intermediate State of MAXI J1820+070 Revealed by NICER Spectral-Timing Analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara | First 5 Authors: Jingyi Wang, Guglielmo Mastroserio, Erin Kara, Javier García, Adam Ingram | Summary: We analyze 5 epochs of NICER data of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 during the bright hard-to-soft state transition in its 2018 outburst with both reflection spectroscopy and Fourier-resolved timing analysis. We confirm […]

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The Colliding Winds of WR 25 in High Resolution X-rays

Kavli Affiliate: David P. Huenemoerder | First 5 Authors: Pragati Pradhan, David P. Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, A. M. T Pollock, Joy S. Nichols | Summary: WR 25 is a colliding-wind binary star system comprised of a very massive O2.5If*/WN6 primary and an O-star secondary in a 208-day period eccentric orbit. These hot stars have strong, […]

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Evolution of Splashback Boundaries and Gaseous Outskirts: Insights from Mergers of Self-similar Galaxy Clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Congyao Zhang, Irina Zhuravleva, Andrey Kravtsov, Eugene Churazov, | Summary: A self-similar spherical collapse model predicts a dark matter (DM) splashback and accretion shock in the outskirts of galaxy clusters while misses a key ingredient of structure formation – processes associated with mergers. To fill this gap, […]

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