Wide-Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST) Interim Report

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Schechter | First 5 Authors: James Green, Paul Schechter, Charles Baltay, Rachel Bean, David Bennett | Summary: In December 2010, NASA created a Science Definition Team (SDT) for WFIRST, the Wide Field Infra-Red Survey Telescope, recommended by the Astro 2010 Decadal Survey as the highest priority for a large space mission. The […]

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The Creation and Propagation of Radiation: Fields Inside and Outside of Sources

Kavli Affiliate: John W. Belcher | First 5 Authors: Stanislaw Olbert, John W. Belcher, Richard H. Price, , | Summary: We present a new algorithm for computing the electromagnetic fields of currents inside and outside of finite current sources, for arbitrary time variations in the currents. Unexpectedly, we find that our solutions for these fields […]

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Application of Mathematical Optimization Procedures to Intervention Effects in Structural Equation Models

Kavli Affiliate: Atsushi Yagishita | First 5 Authors: Kentaro Tanaka, Atsushi Yagishita, Masami Miyakawa, , | Summary: For a given statistical model, it often happens that it is necessary to intervene the model to reduce the variances of the output variables. In structural equation models, this can be done by changing the values of the […]

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Circle-valued Morse theory for complex hyperplane arrangements

Kavli Affiliate: Toshitake Kohno | First 5 Authors: Toshitake Kohno, Andrei Pajitnov, , , | Summary: Let A be an essential complex hyperplane arrangement in an n-dimensional complex vector space V. Let H denote the union of the hyperplanes, and M denote the complement to H in V. We develop the real-valued and circle-valued Morse […]

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Probing dark energy and neutrino mass from upcoming lensing experiments of CMB and galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiya Namikawa | First 5 Authors: Toshiya Namikawa, Shun Saito, Atsushi Taruya, , | Summary: We discuss the synergy of the cosmic shear and CMB lensing experiments to simultaneously constrain the neutrino mass and dark energy properties. Taking fully account of the CMB lensing, cosmic shear, CMB anisotropies, and their cross correlation signals, […]

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Investigating reciprocity failure in 1.7-micron cut-off HgCdTe detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Tomasz Biesiadzinski | First 5 Authors: Michael Schubnell, Tomasz Biesiadzinski, Wolfgang Lorenzon, Robert Newman, Greg Tarle | Summary: Flux dependent non-linearity (reciprocity failure) in HgCdTe NIR detectors with 1.7 micron cut-off was investigated. A dedicated test station was designed and built to measure reciprocity failure over the full dynamic range of near infrared […]

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ROMA (Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis) for intermittent fluctuations with global crossover behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Chang | First 5 Authors: Sunny W. Y. Tam, Tom Chang, Paul M. Kintner, Eric M. Klatt, | Summary: Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis (ROMA), a recently developed technique that combines the ideas of parametric rank ordering and one parameter scaling of monofractals, has the capabilities of deciphering the multifractal characteristics of intermittent fluctuations. […]

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Groups of Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

Kavli Affiliate: Catherine Grant | First 5 Authors: Eric D. Miller, Marshall Bautz, Catherine Grant, Ryan Hickox, Mark Brodwin | Summary: Galaxy groups are key tracers of galaxy evolution, cluster evolution, and structure formation, yet they are difficult to study at even moderate redshift. We have undertaken a project to observe a flux-limited sample of […]

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Decade time-scale modulation of low mass X-ray binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Alan Levine | First 5 Authors: Martin Durant, Remon Cornelisse, Ron Remillard, Alan Levine, | Summary: Regular observations by the All Sky Monitor aboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite have yielded well-sampled light-curves with a time baseline of over ten years. We find that up to eight of the sixteen brightest persistent […]

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