Lens Modeling of STRIDES Strongly Lensed Quasars using Neural Posterior Estimation

Kavli Affiliate: Aaron Roodman | First 5 Authors: Sydney Erickson, Sebastian Wagner-Carena, Phil Marshall, Martin Millon, Simon Birrer | Summary: Strongly lensed quasars can be used to constrain cosmological parameters through time-delay cosmography. Models of the lens masses are a necessary component of this analysis. To enable time-delay cosmography from a sample of $mathcal{O}(10^3)$ lenses, […]

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A relativistic model of b-EMRI systems and their gravitational radiation

Kavli Affiliate: Xian Chen | First 5 Authors: Yucheng Yin, Josh Mathews, Alvin J. K. Chua, Xian Chen, | Summary: A binary extreme-mass-ratio inspiral (b-EMRI) is a hierarchical triple system consisting of a stellar-mass binary black hole (BBH) orbiting a central Kerr supermassive black hole (SMBH). Although predicted by several astrophysical models, b-EMRIs pose a […]

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Recurring tidal disruption events a decade apart in IRAS F01004-2237

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Luming Sun, Ning Jiang, Liming Dou, Xinwen Shu, Jiazheng Zhu | Summary: We report the discovery of a second optical flare that occurred in September 2021 in IRAS F01004-2237, where the first flare occurred in 2010 has been reported, and present a detailed analysis of multi-band data. […]

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Recurring tidal disruption events a decade apart in IRAS F01004-2237

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Luming Sun, Ning Jiang, Liming Dou, Xinwen Shu, Jiazheng Zhu | Summary: We report the discovery of a second optical flare that occurred in September 2021 in IRAS F01004-2237, where the first flare occurred in 2010 has been reported, and present a detailed analysis of multi-band data. […]

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Recurring tidal disruption events a decade apart in IRAS F01004-2237

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Luming Sun, Ning Jiang, Liming Dou, Xinwen Shu, Jiazheng Zhu | Summary: We report the discovery of a second optical flare that occurred in September 2021 in IRAS F01004-2237, where the first flare occurred in 2010 has been reported, and present a detailed analysis of multi-band data. […]

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Dubrovin conjecture and the second structure connection

Kavli Affiliate: Todor Milanov | First 5 Authors: John Alexander Cruz Morales, Todor Milanov, , , | Summary: We give a reformulation of the Dubrovin conjecture about the semisimplicity of quantum cohomology in terms of the so-called second structure connection of quantum cohomology. The key ingredient in our work is the notion of a twisted […]

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Effects of orbital eccentricity on continuous gravitational waveforms from triaxially-deformed precessing neutron stars in tight binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Wen-Fan Feng, Tan Liu, Yan Wang, Lijing Shao, | Summary: The successful detection of continuous gravitational waves (GWs) from spinning neutron stars (NSs) will shape our understanding of the physical properties of dense matter under extreme conditions. Binary population synthesis simulations show that forthcoming space-borne GW detectors […]

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Effects of orbital eccentricity on continuous gravitational waveforms from triaxially deformed precessing neutron stars in tight binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Wen-Fan Feng, Tan Liu, Yan Wang, Lijing Shao, | Summary: The successful detection of continuous gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars (NSs) will shape our understanding of the physical properties of dense matter under extreme conditions. Binary population synthesis simulations show that forthcoming space-borne gravitational wave detectors […]

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Conditional Motional Squeezing of an Optomechanical Oscillator Approaching the Quantum Regime

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Benjamin B. Lane, Junxin Chen, Ronald E. Pagano, Scott Aronson, Garrett D. Cole | Summary: Squeezed mechanical states are a valuable tool for quantum sensing and error correction in quantum computing, and a pivotal platform for tests of fundamental physics. Recently, solid state mechanical oscillators have been […]

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