Quantum Algorithm for Approximating Maximum Independent Sets

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Hongye Yu, Frank Wilczek, Biao Wu, , | Summary: We present a quantum algorithm for approximating maximum independent sets of a graph based on quantum non-Abelian adiabatic mixing in the sub-Hilbert space of degenerate ground states, which generates quantum annealing in a secondary Hamiltonian. For both sparse […]

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Measuring HERA’s primary beam in-situ: methodology and first results

Kavli Affiliate: Jacqueline N. Hewitt | First 5 Authors: Chuneeta D. Nunhokee, Aaron R. Parsons, Nicholas S. Kern, Bojan Nikolic, Jonathan C. Pober | Summary: The central challenge in 21~cm cosmology is isolating the cosmological signal from bright foregrounds. Many separation techniques rely on the accurate knowledge of the sky and the instrumental response, including […]

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Bayesian Neural Networks at Scale: A Performance Analysis and Pruning Study

Kavli Affiliate: Elise Jennings | First 5 Authors: Himanshu Sharma, Elise Jennings, , , | Summary: Bayesian neural Networks (BNNs) are a promising method of obtaining statistical uncertainties for neural network predictions but with a higher computational overhead which can limit their practical usage. This work explores the use of high performance computing with distributed […]

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HD 62542: Probing the Bare, Dense Core of a Translucent Interstellar Cloud

Kavli Affiliate: Donald G. York | First 5 Authors: Daniel E. Welty, Paule Sonnentrucker, Theodore P. Snow, Donald G. York, | Summary: We discuss the interstellar absorption from many atomic and molecular species seen in high-resolution $HST$/STIS UV and high-S/N optical spectra of the moderately reddened B3-5~V star HD~62542. This remarkable sight line exhibits both […]

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Dynamical evolution of cosmic supermassive binary black holes and their gravitational wave radiation

Kavli Affiliate: Qingjuan Yu | First 5 Authors: Yunfeng Chen, Qingjuan Yu, Youjun Lu, , | Summary: We investigate the evolution of supermassive binary black holes (BBHs) in galaxies with realistic property distributions and the gravitational-wave (GW) radiation from the cosmic population of these BBHs. We incorporate a comprehensive treatment of the dynamical interactions of […]

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Detection of Cosmic Structures using the Bispectrum Phase. II. First Results from Application to Cosmic Reionization Using the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array

Kavli Affiliate: Jacqueline N. Hewitt | First 5 Authors: Nithyanandan Thyagarajan, Chris L. Carilli, Bojan Nikolic, James Kent, Andrei Mesinger | Summary: Characterizing the epoch of reionization (EoR) at $zgtrsim 6$ via the redshifted 21 cm line of neutral Hydrogen (HI) is critical to modern astrophysics and cosmology, and thus a key science goal of […]

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Core collapse in massive scalar-tensor gravity

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Sperhake | First 5 Authors: Roxana Rosca-Mead, Ulrich Sperhake, Christopher J. Moore, Michalis Agathos, Davide Gerosa | Summary: This paper provides an extended exploration of the inverse-chirp gravitational-wave signals from stellar collapse in massive scalar-tensor gravity reported in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 119}, 201103]. We systematically explore the parameter space that characterizes […]

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Symbolic Pregression: Discovering Physical Laws from Distorted Video

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Silviu-Marian Udrescu, Max Tegmark, , , | Summary: We present a method for unsupervised learning of equations of motion for objects in raw and optionally distorted unlabeled video. We first train an autoencoder that maps each video frame into a low-dimensional latent space where the laws of […]

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A GPU Spatial Processing System for CHIME

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi Masui | First 5 Authors: Nolan Denman, Andre Renard, Keith Vanderlinde, Philippe Berger, Kiyoshi Masui | Summary: We present an overview of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) based spatial processing system created for the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME). The design employs AMD S9300x2 GPUs and readily-available commercial hardware in its […]

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Orbital Modulation of Gamma Rays from PSR~J2339$-$0533

Kavli Affiliate: Roger W. Romani | First 5 Authors: Hongjun An, Roger W. Romani, Matthew Kerr, , | Summary: We report on orbital modulation of the 100-600 MeV gamma-ray emission of the $P_{rm B}=4.6$ hr millisecond pulsar binary PSR J2339$-$0533 using 11 yr of Fermi Large Area Telescope data. The modulation has high significance (chance […]

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