Testbed preparation of a small prototype polarization modulator for LiteBIRD low-frequency telescope

Kavli Affiliate: Tomotake Matsumura | First 5 Authors: Thuong D. Hoang, Tomotake Matsumura, Ryota Takaku, Takashi Hasebe, Tommaso Ghigna | Summary: LiteBIRD is the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation polarization satellite mission led by ISAS/JAXA. The main scientific goal is to search for primordial gravitational wave signals generated from the inflation epoch of the Universe. […]

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Interpretable Uncertainty Quantification in AI for HEP

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Nord | First 5 Authors: Thomas Y. Chen, Biprateep Dey, Aishik Ghosh, Michael Kagan, Brian Nord | Summary: Estimating uncertainty is at the core of performing scientific measurements in HEP: a measurement is not useful without an estimate of its uncertainty. The goal of uncertainty quantification (UQ) is inextricably linked to the […]

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JWST NIRCam+NIRSpec: Interstellar medium and stellar populations of young galaxies with rising star formation and evolving gas reservoirs

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Sandro Tacchella, Benjamin D. Johnson, Brant E. Robertson, Stefano Carniani, Francesco D’Eugenio | Summary: We present an interstellar medium and stellar population analysis of three spectroscopically confirmed $z>7$ galaxies in the ERO JWST/NIRCam and JWST/NIRSpec data of the SMACS J0723.3-7327 cluster. We use the Bayesian spectral energy […]

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Modelling TES non-linearity induced by a rotating HWP in a CMB polarimeter

Kavli Affiliate: Tomotake Matsumura | First 5 Authors: Tommaso Ghigna, Tomotake Matsumura, Yuki Sakurai, Ryota Takaku, Kunimoto Komatsu | Summary: Most upcoming CMB experiments are planning to deploy between a few thousand and a few hundred thousand TES bolometers in order to drastically increase sensitivity and unveil the B-mode signal. Differential systematic effects and $1/f$ […]

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Non-Gaussianity effects on the primordial black hole abundance for sharply-peaked primordial spectrum

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Takahiko Matsubara, Misao Sasaki, , , | Summary: We perturbatively study the effect of non-Gaussianities on the mass fraction of primordial black holes (PBHs) at the time of formation by systematically taking its effect into account in the one-point probability distribution function of the primordial curvature perturbation. […]

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Non-Gaussianity effects on the primordial black hole abundance for sharply-peaked primordial spectrum

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Takahiko Matsubara, Misao Sasaki, , , | Summary: We perturbatively study the effect of non-Gaussianities on the mass fraction of primordial black holes (PBHs) at the time of formation by systematically taking its effect into account in the one-point probability distribution function of the primordial curvature perturbation. […]

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Phase Drift Monitoring for Tone Tracking Readout of Superconducting Microwave Resonators

Kavli Affiliate: Zeeshan Ahmed | First 5 Authors: Max Silva-Feaver, Zeeshan Ahmed, Kam Arnold, Josef C. Frisch, John Groh | Summary: A number of modern millimeter, sub-millimeter, and far-infrared detectors are read out using superconducting microwave (1-10GHz) resonators. The main detector technologies are Transition Edge Sensors, read out using Microwave SQUID Multiplexers ($mu$mux) and Microwave […]

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A Stress Induced Source of Phonon Bursts and Quasiparticle Poisoning

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Robin Anthony-Petersen, Andreas Biekert, Raymond Bunker, Clarence L. Chang, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: The performance of superconducting qubits is degraded by a poorly characterized set of energy sources breaking the Cooper pairs responsible for superconductivity, creating a condition often called "quasiparticle poisoning." Recently, a superconductor with one […]

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A Stress Induced Source of Phonon Bursts and Quasiparticle Poisoning

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Robin Anthony-Petersen, Andreas Biekert, Raymond Bunker, Clarence L. Chang, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: The performance of superconducting qubits is degraded by a poorly characterized set of energy sources breaking the Cooper pairs responsible for superconductivity, creating a condition often called “quasiparticle poisoning". Both superconducting qubits and low […]

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A Stress Induced Source of Phonon Bursts and Quasiparticle Poisoning

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Robin Anthony-Petersen, Andreas Biekert, Raymond Bunker, Clarence L. Chang, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: The performance of superconducting qubits is degraded by a poorly characterized set of energy sources breaking the Cooper pairs responsible for superconductivity, creating a condition often called “quasiparticle poisoning". Both superconducting qubits and low […]

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