The Classical Equations of Motion of Quantized Gauge Theories, Part 2: Electromagnetism

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Melia | First 5 Authors: David E. Kaplan, Tom Melia, Surjeet Rajendran, , | Summary: In this and companion papers, we show that quantum field theories with gauge symmetries permit a broader class of classical dynamics than typically assumed. In this article, we show that the quantization of electromagnetism permits the existence […]

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Giant anisotropic band flattening in twisted $Γ$ valley semiconductor bilayers

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Huan Wang, Zhaochen Liu, Yadong Jiang, Jing Wang, | Summary: We propose a theory of anisotropic band flattening in moir’e systems at the $Gamma$ valley. We find that in twisted anisotropic two-dimensional crystals with a rectangular unit cell of $C_{2z}$ or mirror symmetries, a larger effective mass […]

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Giant anisotropic band flattening in twisted $Γ$ valley semiconductor bilayers

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Huan Wang, Zhaochen Liu, Yadong Jiang, Jing Wang, | Summary: We propose a general theory of anisotropic band flattening in moir’e systems at the $Gamma$ valley. For a two-dimensional semiconductor with a rectangular unit cell of $C_{2z}$ or mirror symmetries, we find that a larger effective mass […]

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Company for the ultra-high density, ultra-short period sub-Earth GJ 367 b: discovery of two additional low-mass planets at 11.5 and 34 days

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker | First 5 Authors: Elisa Goffo, Davide Gandolfi, Jo Ann Egger, Alexander J. Mustill, Simon H. Albrecht | Summary: GJ 367 is a bright (V $approx$ 10.2) M1 V star that has been recently found to host a transiting ultra-short period sub-Earth on a 7.7 hr orbit. With the aim […]

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A Large and Variable Leading Tail of Helium in a Hot Saturn Undergoing Runaway Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Michael Gully-Santiago, Caroline V. Morley, Jessica Luna, Morgan MacLeod, Antonija Oklopčić | Summary: Atmospheric escape shapes the fate of exoplanets, with statistical evidence for transformative mass loss imprinted across the mass-radius-insolation distribution. Here we present transit spectroscopy of the highly irradiated, low-gravity, inflated hot Saturn HAT-P-67 b. […]

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Red Supergiant Candidates for Multimessenger Monitoring of the Next Galactic Supernova

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Sarah Healy, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Marta Colomer Molla, Dan Milisavljevic, Jeff Tseng | Summary: We compile a catalog of 598 highly probable and 79 likely red supergiants (RSGs) of the Milky Way, which represents the largest list of Galactic RSG candidates to date. We matched distances measured by […]

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Red Supergiant Candidates for Multimessenger Monitoring of the Next Galactic Supernova

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Sarah Healy, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Marta Colomer Molla, Dan Milisavljevic, Jeff Tseng | Summary: We compile a catalog of 578 highly probable and 62 likely red supergiants (RSGs) of the Milky Way, which represents the largest list of Galactic RSG candidates designed for continuous follow-up to date. We […]

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Red Supergiant Candidates for Multimessenger Monitoring of the Next Galactic Supernova

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Sarah Healy, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Marta Colomer Molla, Dan Milisavljevic, Jeff Tseng | Summary: We compile a catalog of 578 highly probable and 62 likely red supergiants (RSGs) of the Milky Way, which represents the largest list of Galactic RSG candidates designed for continuous follow-up to date. We […]

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JADES: deep spectroscopy of a low-mass galaxy at redshift 2.3 quenched by environment

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Lester Sandles, Francesco D’Eugenio, Jakob M. Helton, Roberto Maiolino, Kevin Hainline | Summary: We report the discovery of a quiescent galaxy at $z=2.34$ with a stellar mass of only $M_star = 9.5^{+1.8}_{-1.2} times 10^{8} mathrm{M}_odot$, based on deep JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy. This is the least massive quiescent galaxy […]

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SIMPLE: Simple Intensity Map Producer for Line Emission

Kavli Affiliate: Eiichiro Komatsu | First 5 Authors: Maja Lujan Niemeyer, José Luis Bernal, Eiichiro Komatsu, , | Summary: We present the Simple Intensity Map Producer for Line Emission (SIMPLE), a public code to quickly simulate mock line-intensity maps, and an analytical framework to model intensity maps including observational effects. SIMPLE can be applied to […]

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