Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, , | Summary: The GNH method is used in this paper to study the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euclidean self-dual action. This action can be used to arrive at the complex Ashtekar formulation of General Relativity […]

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Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, , | Summary: The Gotay-Nester-Hinds method is used in this paper to study the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euclidean self-dual action. This action can be used to arrive at the complex Ashtekar formulation of General Relativity […]

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Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, , | Summary: The Gotay-Nester-Hinds method is used in this paper to study the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euclidean self-dual action. This action can be used to arrive at the complex Ashtekar formulation of General Relativity […]

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Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, , | Summary: The Gotay-Nester-Hinds method is used in this paper to study the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euclidean self-dual action. This action can be used to arrive at the complex Ashtekar formulation of General Relativity […]

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Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, , | Summary: The Gotay-Nester-Hinds method is used in this paper to study the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euclidean self-dual action. This action can be used to arrive at the complex Ashtekar formulation of General Relativity […]

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Euclidean self-dual gravity: Ashtekar variables without gauge fixing

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: J. Fernando Barbero G., Marc Basquens, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, , | Summary: The Gotay-Nester-Hinds method is used in this paper to study the Hamiltonian formulation of the Euclidean self-dual action. This action can be used to arrive at the complex Ashtekar formulation of General Relativity […]

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Flux coupled tunable superconducting resonator

Kavli Affiliate: Clarence Chang | First 5 Authors: Juliang Li, Pete Barry, Tom Cecil, Marharyta Lisovenko, Volodymyr Yefremenko | Summary: We present a design and implementation of frequency-tunable superconducting resonator. The resonance frequency tunability is achieved by flux-coupling a superconducting LC-loop to a current-biased feedline; the resulting screening current leads to a change of the […]

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A New Probe of Gravitational Parity Violation Through (Non-)Observation of the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Holz | First 5 Authors: Thomas Callister, Leah Jenks, Daniel Holz, Nicolás Yunes, | Summary: Parity violation in the gravitational sector is a prediction of many theories beyond general relativity. In the propagation of gravitational waves, parity violation manifests by inducing amplitude and/or velocity birefringence between right- and left-circularly polarized modes. We […]

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Dynamics in Star-forming Cores (DiSCo): Project Overview and the First Look toward the B1 and NGC 1333 Regions in Perseus

Kavli Affiliate: Sarah Church | First 5 Authors: Che-Yu Chen, Rachel Friesen, Jialu Li, Anika Schmiedeke, David Frayer | Summary: The internal velocity structure within dense gaseous cores plays a crucial role in providing the initial conditions for star formation in molecular clouds. However, the kinematic properties of dense gas at core scales (~0.01 – […]

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PSR B0943+10: Mode Switch, Polar Cap Geometry, and Orthogonally Polarized Radiation

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Shunshun Cao, Jinchen Jiang, Jaroslaw Dyks, Longfei Hao, Kejia Lee | Summary: As one of the paradigm examples to probe into pulsar magnetospheric dynamics, PSR B0943+10 (J0946+0951) manifests representatively, showing mode switch, orthogonal polarization and subpulse drifting. Both integrated and single pulses are studied with the Five-hundred-meter […]

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