The MIRI Exoplanets Orbiting White Dwarfs (MEOW) Survey: Mid-Infrared Excess Reveals a Giant Planet Candidate around a Nearby White Dwarf

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Mary Anne Limbach, Andrew Vanderburg, Alexander Venner, Simon Blouin, Kevin B. Stevenson | Summary: The MIRI Exoplanets Orbiting White dwarfs (MEOW) Survey is a cycle 2 JWST program to search for exoplanets around dozens of nearby white dwarfs via infrared excess and direct imaging. In this paper, […]

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Witnessing the onset of Reionisation via Lyman-$α$ emission at redshift 13

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Joris Witstok, Peter Jakobsen, Roberto Maiolino, Jakob M. Helton, Benjamin D. Johnson | Summary: $require{mediawiki-texvc}$Cosmic Reionisation commenced when ultraviolet (UV) radiation produced in the first galaxies began illuminating the cold, neutral gas that filled the primordial Universe. Recent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations have shown that […]

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Wind from the Hot Accretion Flow and Super-Eddington Accretion Flow

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Hai Yang, Feng Yuan, , , | Summary: Wind is believed to be widespread in various black hole accretion flows. However, unlike the wind from thin disks, which have substantial observational evidence, the wind from hot accretion flows is difficult to observe due to the extremely high […]

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Coherent Information Phase Transition in a Noisy Quantum Circuit

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Dongheng Qian, Jing Wang, , , | Summary: Coherent information quantifies the transmittable quantum information through a channel and is directly linked to the channel’s quantum capacity. In the context of dynamical purification transitions, scrambling dynamics sustain extensive and positive coherent information at low measurement rates, but […]

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Modular invariance groups and defect McKay-Thompson series

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey A. Harvey | First 5 Authors: Harry Fosbinder-Elkins, Jeffrey A. Harvey, , , | Summary: It has been known since 1992 that the McKay-Thompson series $T_g(q)$ of the Moonshine module form Hauptmoduln for genus zero subgroups of $SL(2, mathbb{R})$. In 2021, Lin and Shao constructed a series analogous to the McKay-Thompson series […]

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Galaxies Lighting Up: Discovery of Seventy New Turn-on Changing-look Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Linhua Jiang | First 5 Authors: Qian Yang, Paul J. Green, Xue-Bing Wu, Michael Eracleous, Linhua Jiang | Summary: "Changing-look quasars" (CLQs), discovered less than a decade ago, show dramatic, rapid changes in optical/UV continuum and broad line emission. The majority of CLQs have been found dimming as "turn-off" CLQs because most selection […]

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Spin-dependent exotic interactions

Kavli Affiliate: Yevgeny V. Stadnik | First 5 Authors: Lei Cong, Wei Ji, Pavel Fadeev, Filip Ficek, Min Jiang | Summary: Novel interactions beyond the four known fundamental forces in nature (electromagnetic, gravitational, strong and weak interactions), may arise due to "new physics" beyond the standard model, manifesting as a "fifth force". This review is […]

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Narrow line AGN selection in CEERS: spectroscopic selection, physical properties, X-ray and radio analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Giovanni Mazzolari, Jan Scholtz, Roberto Maiolino, Roberto Gilli, Alberto Traina | Summary: In this work, we spectroscopically select narrow-line AGN (NLAGN) among the $sim 300$ publicly available medium-resolution spectra of the CEERS Survey. Using both traditional and newly identified emission line NLAGN diagnostics diagrams, we identified 52 […]

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EmoAttack: Utilizing Emotional Voice Conversion for Speech Backdoor Attacks on Deep Speech Classification Models

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Wenhan Yao, Zedong XingXiarun Chen, Jia Liu, yongqiang He, Weiping Wen | Summary: Deep speech classification tasks, mainly including keyword spotting and speaker verification, play a crucial role in speech-based human-computer interaction. Recently, the security of these technologies has been demonstrated to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks. […]

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EmoAttack: Utilizing Emotional Voice Conversion for Speech Backdoor Attacks on Deep Speech Classification Models

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Wenhan Yao, Zedong XingXiarun Chen, Jia Liu, yongqiang He, Weiping Wen | Summary: Deep speech classification tasks, mainly including keyword spotting and speaker verification, play a crucial role in speech-based human-computer interaction. Recently, the security of these technologies has been demonstrated to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks. […]

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