Gravitational Test Beyond the First Post-Newtonian Order with the Shadow of the M87 Black Hole

Kavli Affiliate: John E. Carlstrom | First 5 Authors: Dimitrios Psaltis, Lia Medeiros, Pierre Christian, Feryal Ozel, Kazunori Akiyama | Summary: The 2017 Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of the central source in M87 have led to the first measurement of the size of a black-hole shadow. This observation offers a new and clean gravitational […]

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Static response and Love numbers of Schwarzschild black holes

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Lam Hui, Austin Joyce, Riccardo Penco, Luca Santoni, Adam R. Solomon | Summary: We derive the quadratic action for the physical degrees of freedom of massless spin-0, spin-1, and spin-2 perturbations on a Schwarzschild–(A)dS background in arbitrary dimensions. We then use these results to compute the static […]

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Static response and Love numbers of Schwarzschild black holes

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Lam Hui, Austin Joyce, Riccardo Penco, Luca Santoni, Adam R. Solomon | Summary: We derive the quadratic action for the physical degrees of freedom of massless spin-0, spin-1, and spin-2 perturbations on a Schwarzschild–(A)dS background in arbitrary dimensions. We then use these results to compute the static […]

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The Terahertz Intensity Mapper (TIM): a Next-Generation Experiment for Galaxy Evolution Studies

Kavli Affiliate: Erik Shirokoff | First 5 Authors: Joaquin Vieira, James Aguirre, C. Matt Bradford, Jeffrey Filippini, Christopher Groppi | Summary: Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies over cosmic time is one of the foremost goals of astrophysics and cosmology today. The cosmic star formation rate has undergone a dramatic evolution over the course […]

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A Comparison of Rest-frame Ultraviolet and Optical Emission-Line Diagnostics in the Lensed Galaxy SDSS J1723+3411 at Redshift z=1.3293

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: J. R. Rigby, Michael Florian, A. Acharyya, Matthew Bayliss, Michael D. Gladders | Summary: For the extremely bright lensed galaxy SDSS J1723+3411 at z=1.3293 , we analyze spatially integrated MMT, Keck, and Hubble Space Telescope spectra that fully cover the rest-frame wavelength range of 1400 to […]

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Nucleation is More than Critical — A Case Study of the Electroweak Phase Transition in the NMSSM

Kavli Affiliate: Carlos E. M. Wagner | First 5 Authors: Sebastian Baum, Marcela Carena, Nausheen R. Shah, Carlos E. M. Wagner, Yikun Wang | Summary: Electroweak baryogenesis is an attractive mechanism to generate the baryon asymmetry of the Universe via a strong first order electroweak phase transition. We compare the phase transition patterns suggested by […]

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Industry-Relevant Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation of a High-Performance Road Car via Spectral/hp Element Methods

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Turner | First 5 Authors: Gianmarco Mengaldo, David Moxey, Michael Turner, Rodrigo C. Moura, Ayad Jassim | Summary: We present a successful deployment of high-fidelity Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) technologies based on spectral/hp element methods to industrial flow problems, which are characterized by high Reynolds numbers and complex geometries. In particular, we describe […]

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The Harder They Fall, the Bigger They Become: Tidal Trapping of Strings by Microstate Geometries

Kavli Affiliate: Emil J. Martinec | First 5 Authors: Emil J. Martinec, Nicholas P. Warner, , , | Summary: We consider the fate of a massless (or ultra-relativistic massive) string probe propagating down the BTZ-like throat of a microstate geometry in the D1-D5 system. Far down the throat, the probe encounters large tidal forces that […]

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Completely Dark Photons from Gravitational Particle Production During Inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Edward W. Kolb | First 5 Authors: Edward W. Kolb, Andrew J. Long, , , | Summary: Starting with the de Broglie–Proca Lagrangian for a massive vector field, we calculate the number density of particles resulting from gravitational particle production (GPP) during inflation, with detailed consideration to the evolution of the number density […]

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