REQUIEM-2D: Spatially Resolved Stellar Populations from HST 2D Grism Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Mohammad Akhshik, Katherine E. Whitaker, Gabriel Brammer, Guillaume Mahler, Keren Sharon | Summary: We present a novel Bayesian methodology to jointly model photometry and deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 2d grism spectroscopy of high-redshift galaxies. Our requiem2d code measures both unresolved and resolved stellar populations, ages, […]

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Revisiting AGN as the Source of IceCube’s Diffuse Neutrino Flux

Kavli Affiliate: Abigail Vieregg | First 5 Authors: Daniel Smith, Dan Hooper, Abigail Vieregg, , | Summary: The origin of the astrophysical neutrino flux reported by the IceCube Collaboration remains an open question. In this study, we use three years of publicly available IceCube data to search for evidence of neutrino emission from the blazars […]

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Dust Reverberation Mapping in Distant Quasars from Optical and Mid-Infrared Imaging Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Frieman | First 5 Authors: Qian Yang, Yue Shen, Xin Liu, Michel Aguena, James Annis | Summary: The size of the dust torus in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their high-luminosity counterparts, quasars, can be inferred from the time delay between UV/optical accretion disk continuum variability and the response in the mid-infrared […]

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Thermal Instability in the CGM of $L_{star}$ Galaxies: Testing “Precipitation” Models with the FIRE Simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey V. Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Clarke J. Esmerian, Andrey V. Kravtsov, Zachary Hafen, Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere, Eliot Quataert | Summary: We examine the thermodynamic state and cooling of the low-$z$ Circum-Galactic Medium (CGM) in five FIRE-2 galaxy formation simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies. We find that the CGM in these simulations is […]

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Spatial Variation in Strong Line Ratios and Physical Conditions in Two Strongly-Lensed Galaxies at z~1.4

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Michael K. Florian, Jane R. Rigby, Ayan Acharyya, Keren Sharon, Michael D. Gladders | Summary: For studies of galaxy formation and evolution, one of the major benefits of the James Webb Space Telescope is that space-based IFUs like those on its NIRSpec and MIRI instruments will […]

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Deep XMM-Newton Observations of the Most Distant SPT-SZ Galaxy Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Lindsey E. Bleem | First 5 Authors: Adam B. Mantz, Steven W. Allen, R. Glenn Morris, Rebecca E. A. Canning, Matthew Bayliss | Summary: We present results from a 577 ks XMM-Newton observation of SPT-CL J0459-4947, the most distant cluster detected in the South Pole Telescope 2500 square degree (SPT-SZ) survey, and currently […]

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Will LISA Detect Harmonic Gravitational Waves from Galactic Cosmic String Loops?

Kavli Affiliate: Craig J. Hogan | First 5 Authors: Zimu Khakhaleva-Li, Craig J. Hogan, , , | Summary: Rapid advancement in the observation of cosmic strings has been made in recent years placing increasingly stringent constraints on their properties, with $Gmulesssim 10^{-11}$ from Pulsar Timing Array (PTA). Cosmic string loops with low string tension clump […]

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Bayesian Neural Networks at Scale: A Performance Analysis and Pruning Study

Kavli Affiliate: Elise Jennings | First 5 Authors: Himanshu Sharma, Elise Jennings, , , | Summary: Bayesian neural Networks (BNNs) are a promising method of obtaining statistical uncertainties for neural network predictions but with a higher computational overhead which can limit their practical usage. This work explores the use of high performance computing with distributed […]

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HD 62542: Probing the Bare, Dense Core of a Translucent Interstellar Cloud

Kavli Affiliate: Donald G. York | First 5 Authors: Daniel E. Welty, Paule Sonnentrucker, Theodore P. Snow, Donald G. York, | Summary: We discuss the interstellar absorption from many atomic and molecular species seen in high-resolution $HST$/STIS UV and high-S/N optical spectra of the moderately reddened B3-5~V star HD~62542. This remarkable sight line exhibits both […]

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The Cosmological Bootstrap: Spinning Correlators from Symmetries and Factorization

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce | First 5 Authors: Daniel Baumann, Carlos Duaso Pueyo, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee, Guilherme L. Pimentel | Summary: We extend the cosmological bootstrap to correlators involving massless particles with spin. In de Sitter space, these correlators are constrained both by symmetries and by locality. In particular, the de Sitter isometries become […]

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