Blázquez-Salcedo-Knoll-Radu Wormholes Are Not Solutions to the Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell Equations

Kavli Affiliate: Robert M. Wald | First 5 Authors: Daine L. Danielson, Gautam Satishchandran, Robert M. Wald, Robert J. Weinbaum, | Summary: Recently, Bl’azquez-Salcedo, Knoll, and Radu (BSKR) have given a class of static, spherically symmetric, traversable wormhole spacetimes with Dirac and Maxwell fields. The BSKR wormholes are obtained by joining a classical solution to […]

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Towards a Realistic Model of Dark Atoms to Resolve the Hubble Tension

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Nikita Blinov, Gordan Krnjaic, Shirley Weishi Li, , | Summary: It has recently been shown that a subdominant hidden sector of atomic dark matter in the early universe can resolve the Hubble tension while maintaining good agreement with most precision cosmological observables. However, such a solution requires […]

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Gravitational wave propagation beyond general relativity: waveform distortions and echoes

Kavli Affiliate: Wayne Hu | First 5 Authors: Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Wayne Hu, Macarena Lagos, Meng-Xiang Lin, | Summary: We study the cosmological propagation of gravitational waves (GWs) beyond general relativity (GR) across homogeneous and isotropic backgrounds. We consider scenarios in which GWs interact with an additional tensor field and use a parametrized phenomenological approach […]

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Constraints on scalar field dark matter from co-located Michelson interferometers

Kavli Affiliate: Craig Hogan | First 5 Authors: Lorenzo Aiello, Jonathan W. Richardson, Sander M. Vermeulen, Hartmut Grote, Craig Hogan | Summary: Low-mass (sub-eV) scalar field dark matter may induce apparent oscillations of fundamental constants, resulting in corresponding oscillations of the size and the index of refraction of solids. Laser interferometers are highly sensitive to […]

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Conway Subgroup Symmetric Compactifications Redux

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey A. Harvey | First 5 Authors: Zihni Kaan Baykara, Jeffrey A. Harvey, , , | Summary: We extend the investigation of special toroidal compactifications of heterotic string theory for which the half-BPS states provide representations of subgroups of the Conway group. We also explore dual descriptions of these theories and find that […]

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The Secret Higgstory of the Highest Temperature during Reheating

Kavli Affiliate: Wayne Hu | First 5 Authors: Samuel Passaglia, Wayne Hu, Andrew J. Long, David Zegeye, | Summary: We study the role of the Standard Model Higgs condensate, formed during cosmological inflation, in the epoch of reheating that follows. We focus on the scenario where the inflaton decays slowly and perturbatively, so that there […]

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Entropy-Conserving Scheme for Modeling Nonthermal Energies in Fluid Dynamics Simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey V. Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Vadim A. Semenov, Andrey V. Kravtsov, Benedikt Diemer, , | Summary: We compare the performance of energy-based and entropy-conservative schemes for modeling nonthermal energy components, such as unresolved turbulence and cosmic rays, using idealized fluid dynamics tests and isolated galaxy simulations. While both methods are aimed […]

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