Avoiding methane emission rate underestimates when using the divergence method

Kavli Affiliate: Kaisey Mandel | First 5 Authors: Clayton Roberts, Rutger IJzermans, David Randell, Matthew Jones, Philip Jonathan | Summary: Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, and a primary target for mitigating climate change in the short-term future due to its relatively short atmospheric lifetime and greater ability to trap heat in Earth’s atmosphere compared […]

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JADES: Insights on the low-mass end of the mass–metallicity–star-formation rate relation at $3 < z < 10$ from deep JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Mirko Curti, Roberto Maiolino, Emma Curtis-Lake, Jacopo Chevallard, Stefano Carniani | Summary: We analyse the gas-phase metallicity properties of a sample of low stellar mass (log M*/M_sun <= 9) galaxies at 3 < z < 10, observed with JWST/NIRSpec as part of the JADES programme in its […]

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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR6 Gravitational Lensing Map and Cosmological Parameters

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Challinor | First 5 Authors: Mathew S. Madhavacheril, Frank J. Qu, Blake D. Sherwin, Niall MacCrann, Yaqiong Li | Summary: We present cosmological constraints from a gravitational lensing mass map covering 9400 sq. deg. reconstructed from CMB measurements made by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) from 2017 to 2021. In combination with […]

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Cosmological evolution of Witten superconducting string networks

Kavli Affiliate: E. P. S. Shellard | First 5 Authors: I. Yu. Rybak, C. J. A. P. Martins, Patrick Peter, E. P. S. Shellard, | Summary: We consider the evolution of current-carrying cosmic string networks described by the charge-velocity-dependent one scale (CVOS) model beyond the linear equation of state regime, specifically focusing on the Witten […]

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Deciphering Lyman-$α$ Emission Deep into the Epoch of Reionisation

Kavli Affiliate: Debora Sijacki | First 5 Authors: Callum Witten, Nicolas Laporte, Sergio Martin-Alvarez, Debora Sijacki, Yuxuan Yuan | Summary: A major event in cosmic history is the genesis of the first starlight in our Universe, ending the ”Dark Ages”. During this epoch, the earliest luminous sources were enshrouded in neutral and pristine gas, which […]

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Deciphering Lyman-$α$ Emission Deep into the Epoch of Reionisation

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Callum Witten, Nicolas Laporte, Sergio Martin-Alvarez, Debora Sijacki, Yuxuan Yuan | Summary: During the epoch of reionisation the first galaxies were enshrouded in pristine neutral gas, with one of the brightest emission lines in star-forming galaxies, Lyman-$alpha$ (Ly$alpha$), expected to remain undetected until the Universe became ionised. […]

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First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: The Warm Ionized Gas Outflow in z ~ 1.6 Quasar XID 2028 and its Impact on the Host Galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Sylvain Veilleux, Weizhe Liu, Andrey Vayner, Dominika Wylezalek, David S. N. Rupke | Summary: Quasar feedback may regulate the growth of supermassive black holes, quench coeval star formation, and impact galaxy morphology and the circumgalactic medium. However, direct evidence for quasar feedback in action at the epoch […]

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A recently quenched galaxy 700 million years after the Big Bang

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Tobias J. Looser, Francesco D’Eugenio, Roberto Maiolino, Joris Witstok, Lester Sandles | Summary: Local and low-redshift ($z$<$3$) galaxies are known to broadly follow a bimodal distribution: actively star forming galaxies with relatively stable star-formation rates, and passive systems. These two populations are connected by galaxies in relatively […]

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The JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey: Discovery of an Extreme Galaxy Overdensity at $z = 5.4$ with JWST/NIRCam in GOODS-S

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Jakob M. Helton, Fengwu Sun, Charity Woodrum, Kevin N. Hainline, Christopher N. A. Willmer | Summary: We report the discovery of an extreme galaxy overdensity at $z = 5.4$ in the GOODS-S field using JWST/NIRCam imaging from JADES and JEMS alongside JWST/NIRCam wide field slitless spectroscopy from […]

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Carbonaceous dust grains seen in the first billion years of cosmic time

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Joris Witstok, Irene Shivaei, Renske Smit, Roberto Maiolino, Stefano Carniani | Summary: Large dust reservoirs (up to $sim 10^8 , mathrm{M_odot}$) have been detected in galaxies out to redshift $z sim 8$, when the age of the universe was only about 600 Myr. Generating significant amounts of […]

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