Cosmic mysteries and the hydrogen 21-cm line: bridging the gap with lunar observations

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Anastasia Fialkov, Thomas Gessey-Jones, Jiten Dhandha, , | Summary: The hydrogen 21-cm signal is predicted to be the richest probe of the young Universe including eras known as the cosmic Dark Ages, the Cosmic Dawn when the first star and black hole formed, and the Epoch of […]

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Identification of High-Redshift Galaxy Overdensities in GOODS-N and GOODS-S

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Jakob M. Helton, Fengwu Sun, Charity Woodrum, Kevin N. Hainline, Christopher N. A. Willmer | Summary: We conduct a systematic search for high-redshift galaxy overdensities at $4.9 < z_{,mathrm{spec}} < 8.9$ in both the GOODS-N and GOODS-S fields using JWST/NIRCam imaging from JADES and JEMS in addition […]

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Identification of High-Redshift Galaxy Overdensities in GOODS-N and GOODS-S

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Jakob M. Helton, Fengwu Sun, Charity Woodrum, Kevin N. Hainline, Christopher N. A. Willmer | Summary: We conduct a systematic search for high-redshift galaxy overdensities at $4.9 < z_{,mathrm{spec}} < 8.9$ in both the GOODS-N and GOODS-S fields using JWST/NIRCam imaging from JADES and JEMS in addition […]

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Galaxy quenching at the high redshift frontier: A fundamental test of cosmological models in the early universe with JWST-CEERS

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Asa F. L. Bluck, Christopher J. Conselice, Katherine Ormerod, Joanna M. Piotrowska, Nathan Adams | Summary: We present an analysis of the quenching of star formation in massive galaxies ($M_* > 10^{9.5} M_odot$) within the first 0.5 – 3 Gyr of the Universe’s history utilizing JWST-CEERS data. […]

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Improved Planck constraints on axion-like early dark energy as a resolution of the Hubble tension

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: George Efstathiou, Erik Rosenberg, Vivian Poulin, , | Summary: Axion-like early dark energy (EDE) as an extension to $Lambda$CDM has been proposed as a possible solution to the ‘Hubble tension’. We revisit this model using a new cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization likelihood constructed from […]

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Constraining exotic dark matter models with the dark ages 21-cm signal

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Rajesh Mondal, Rennan Barkana, Anastasia Fialkov, , | Summary: The 21-cm signal from the dark ages is a powerful tool for fundamental cosmology and for probing new physics. While it can be used for precision measurements within standard cosmology, here we study two non-standard models: an excess […]

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Constraining exotic dark matter models with the dark ages 21-cm signal

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Rajesh Mondal, Rennan Barkana, Anastasia Fialkov, , | Summary: The dark ages 21-cm signal is a powerful tool for precision cosmology and probing new physics. We study two non-standard models: an excess radio background (ERB) model (possibly generated by dark matter decay) and the millicharged dark matter […]

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The JADES Origins Field: A New JWST Deep Field in the JADES Second NIRCam Data Release

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Daniel J. Eisenstein, Benjamin D. Johnson, Brant Robertson, Sandro Tacchella, Kevin Hainline | Summary: We summarize the properties and initial data release of the JADES Origins Field (JOF), which will soon be the deepest imaging field yet observed with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This field […]

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Modeling Post-Reionization HI Distributions in Fuzzy Dark Matter Cosmologies Using Conditional Normalizing Flows

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Tibor Dome, Rumail Azhar, Anastasia Fialkov, , | Summary: Upcoming 21 cm intensity mapping experiments like the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) hold significant potential to constrain the properties of dark matter. In this work, we model neutral hydrogen (HI) distributions using high-resolution hydrodynamical $N$-body simulations of both […]

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