All-microwave Lamb shift engineering for a fixed frequency multi-level superconducting qubit

Kavli Affiliate: Gary A. Steele

| First 5 Authors: Byoung-moo Ann, Gary A. Steele, , ,

| Summary:

It is known that the electromagnetic vacuum is responsible for the Lamb
shift, which is a crucial phenomenon in quantum electrodynamics (QED). In
circuit QED, the readout or bus resonators that are dispersively coupled can
result in a significant Lamb shift of the qubit. However, previous approaches
or proposals for controlling the Lamb shift in circuit QED demand overheads in
circuit designs or non-perturbative renormalization of the system’s eigenbases,
which can impose formidable limitations.In this work, we propose and
demonstrate an all-microwave method for controlling the Lamb shift of
fixed-frequency transmons. We employ the drive-induced longitudinal coupling
between the transmon and resonator. By simply using an off-resonant
monochromatic drive near the resonator frequency, we can control the net Lamb
shift up to 30 MHz and engineer it to zero with the drive-induced longitudinal
coupling without facing the aforementioned challenges. Our work establishes an
efficient way of engineering the fundamental effects of the electromagnetic
vacuum and provides greater flexibility in non-parametric frequency controls of
multilevel systems.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Gary A. Steele”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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