Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang
| First 5 Authors: Hong-Mao Peng, Zhan Wang, Long Zhang, ,
| Summary:
We theoretically study the quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI) in a
perpendicular magnetic field. In the noninteracting case, the QSHI with space
inversion and/or uniaxial spin rotation symmetry undergoes a topological
transition into a normal insulator phase at a critical magnetic field $B_{rm
c}$. The exciton condensation in the lowest Landau levels is triggered by
Coulomb interactions in the vicinity of $B_{rm c}$ at low temperature and
spontaneously breaks the inversion and the spin rotation symmetries. We propose
that the electron spin resonance spectroscopy with the ac magnetic field also
aligned in the perpendicular direction can directly probe the exciton
condensation order. Our results should apply to QSHIs such as the InAs/GaSb
quantum wells and monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides.
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