The Affleck-Dine Curvaton

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic

| First 5 Authors: Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Takuya Okawa, ,

| Summary:

The Standard Model of particle physics does not explain the origin of the
universe’s baryon asymmetry or its primordial fluctuations. The Affleck-Dine
mechanism is a well-motivated scenario for generating the baryon asymmetry
through the post-inflationary dynamics of a complex scalar field with baryon
number. The curvaton mechanism is a popular approach for producing curvature
perturbations through the dynamics of a light spectator field which decays
after inflation. We demonstrate that the same complex field can viably perform
both roles without any modifications to the minimal realization of Affleck-Dine
baryogenesis. This scenario can also accommodate appreciable levels of
primordial non-Gaussianity, beyond those achievable with only a real-valued
curvaton field, and may be observable with future CMB experiments.

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