PEAR: Position-Embedding-Agnostic Attention Re-weighting Enhances Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Zero Inference Overhead

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang

| First 5 Authors: Tao Tan, Yining Qian, Ang Lv, Hongzhan Lin, Songhao Wu

| Summary:

Large language models (LLMs) enhanced with retrieval-augmented generation
(RAG) have introduced a new paradigm for web search. However, the limited
context awareness of LLMs degrades their performance on RAG tasks. Existing
methods to enhance context awareness are often inefficient, incurring time or
memory overhead during inference, and many are tailored to specific position
embeddings. In this paper, we propose Position-Embedding-Agnostic attention
Re-weighting (PEAR), which enhances the context awareness of LLMs with zero
inference overhead. Specifically, on a proxy task focused on context copying,
we first detect heads which suppress the models’ context awareness thereby
diminishing RAG performance. To weaken the impact of these heads, we re-weight
their outputs with learnable coefficients. The LLM (with frozen parameters) is
optimized by adjusting these coefficients to minimize loss on the proxy task.
As a result, the coefficients are optimized to values less than one, thereby
reducing their tendency to suppress RAG performance. During inference, the
optimized coefficients are fixed to re-weight these heads, regardless of the
specific task at hand. Our proposed PEAR offers two major advantages over
previous approaches: (1) It introduces zero additional inference overhead in
terms of memory usage or inference time, while outperforming competitive
baselines in accuracy and efficiency across various RAG tasks. (2) It is
independent of position embedding algorithms, ensuring broader applicability.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Feng Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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