Control of solid-state nuclear spin qubits using an electron spin-1/2

Kavli Affiliate: Tim H. Taminiau

| First 5 Authors: Hans K. C. Beukers, Christopher Waas, Matteo Pasini, Hendrik B. van Ommen, Zarije Ademi

| Summary:

Solid-state quantum registers consisting of optically active electron spins
with nearby nuclear spins are promising building blocks for future quantum
technologies. For electron spin-1 registers, dynamical decoupling (DD) quantum
gates have been developed that enable the precise control of multiple nuclear
spin qubits. However, for the important class of electron spin-1/2 systems,
this control method suffers from intrinsic selectivity limitations, resulting
in reduced nuclear spin gate fidelities. Here we demonstrate improved control
of single nuclear spins by an electron spin-1/2 using Dynamically Decoupled
Radio Frequency (DDRF) gates. We make use of the electron spin-1/2 of a diamond
tin-vacancy center, showing high-fidelity single-qubit gates, single-shot
readout, and spin coherence beyond a millisecond. The DD control is used as a
benchmark to observe and control a single carbon-13 nuclear spin. Using the
DDRF control method, we demonstrate improved control on that spin. In addition,
we find and control an additional nuclear spin that is insensitive to the DD
control method. Using these DDRF gates, we show entanglement between the
electron and the nuclear spin with 72(3)% state fidelity. Our extensive
simulations indicate that DDRF gate fidelities well in excess are feasible.
Finally, we employ time-resolved photon detection during readout to quantify
the hyperfine coupling for the electron’s optically excited state. Our work
provides key insights into the challenges and opportunities for nuclear spin
control in electron spin-1/2 systems, opening the door to multi-qubit
experiments on these promising qubit platforms.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Tim H. Taminiau”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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