Gravitational wave surrogate model for spinning, intermediate mass ratio binaries based on perturbation theory and numerical relativity

Kavli Affiliate: Scott A. Hughes

| First 5 Authors: Katie Rink, Ritesh Bachhar, Tousif Islam, Nur E. M. Rifat, Kevin Gonzalez-Quesada

| Summary:

We present BHPTNRSur2dq1e3, a reduced order surrogate model of gravitational
waves emitted from binary black hole (BBH) systems in the comparable to large
mass ratio regime with aligned spin ($chi_1$) on the heavier mass ($m_1$). We
trained this model on waveform data generated from point particle black hole
perturbation theory (ppBHPT) with mass ratios varying from $3 leq q leq 1000$
and spins from $-0.8 leq chi_1 leq 0.8$. The waveforms are $13,500 m_1$
long and include all spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes up to $ell = 4$
except the $(4,1)$ and $m = 0$ modes. We find that for binaries with $chi_1
lesssim -0.5$, retrograde quasi-normal modes are significantly excited,
thereby complicating the modeling process. To overcome this issue, we introduce
a domain decomposition approach to model the inspiral and merger-ringdown
portion of the signal separately. The resulting model can faithfully reproduce
ppBHPT waveforms with a median time-domain mismatch error of $8 times
10^{-5}$. We then calibrate our model with numerical relativity (NR) data in
the comparable mass regime $(3 leq q leq 10)$. By comparing with spin-aligned
BBH NR simulations at $q = 15$, we find that the dominant quadrupolar
(subdominant) modes agree to better than $approx 10^{-3} (approx 10^{-2})$
when using a time-domain mismatch error, where the largest source of
calibration error comes from the transition-to-plunge and ringdown
approximations of perturbation theory. Mismatch errors are below $approx
10^{-2}$ for systems with mass ratios between $6 leq q leq 15$ and typically
get smaller at larger mass ratio. Our two models – both the ppBHPT waveform
model and the NR-calibrated ppBHPT model – will be publicly available through
gwsurrogate and the Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit packages.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Scott A. Hughes”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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