Wafer-Scale Fabrication of InGaP-on-Insulator for Nonlinear and Quantum Photonic Applications

Kavli Affiliate: John E. Bowers

| First 5 Authors: Lillian Thiel, Joshua E. Castro, Trevor J. Steiner, Catherine L. Nguyen, Audrey Pechilis

| Summary:

The development of manufacturable and scalable integrated nonlinear photonic
materials is driving key technologies in diverse areas such as high-speed
communications, signal processing, sensing, and quantum information. Here, we
demonstrate a novel nonlinear platform — InGaP-on-insulator — optimized for
visible-to-telecommunication wavelength $chi^{left(2right)}$ nonlinear
optical processes. In this work, we detail our 100-mm wafer-scale
InGaP-on-insulator fabrication process realized via wafer bonding, optical
lithography, and dry-etching techniques. The resulting wafers yield 1000s of
components in each fabrication cycle, with initial designs that include
chip-to-fiber couplers, 12.5-cm-long nested spiral waveguides, and arrays of
microring resonators with free-spectral ranges spanning 400-900 GHz. We
demonstrate intrinsic resonator quality factors as high as 324,000 (440,000)
for single-resonance (split-resonance) modes near 1550 nm corresponding to 1.56
dB cm$^{-1}$ (1.22 dB cm$^{-1}$) propagation loss. We analyze the loss versus
waveguide width and resonator radius to establish the operating regime for
optimal 775-to-1550 nm phase matching. By combining the high
$chi^{left(2right)}$ and $chi^{left(3right)}$ optical nonlinearity of
InGaP with wafer-scale fabrication and low propagation loss, these results open
promising possibilities for entangled-photon, multi-photon, and squeezed light

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”John E. Bowers”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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