Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Puzzling Excesses in Dark Matter Searches and How to Resolve Them

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi

| First 5 Authors: Rebecca K. Leane, Seodong Shin, Liang Yang, Govinda Adhikari, Haider Alhazmi

| Summary:

Intriguing signals with excesses over expected backgrounds have been observed
in many astrophysical and terrestrial settings, which could potentially have a
dark matter origin. Astrophysical excesses include the Galactic Center GeV
gamma-ray excess detected by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope, the AMS
antiproton and positron excesses, and the 511 and 3.5 keV X-ray lines. Direct
detection excesses include the DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation signal, the XENON1T
excess, and low-threshold excesses in solid state detectors. We discuss avenues
to resolve these excesses, with actions the field can take over the next
several years.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Shunsaku Horiuchi”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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