Self-dispersion-managed adiabatic frequency conversion

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Moses

| First 5 Authors: Dylan Heberle, Noah Flemens, Connor Davis, Philippe Lassonde, Adrien Leblanc

| Summary:

Dispersion management of few-cycle pulses is crucial for ultrafast optics and
photonics. Often, nontrivial dispersion is compensated using complex optical
systems or minimized through careful design of waveguides. Here, we present
dispersion-managed adiabatic frequency conversion enabling efficient
downconversion of an 11.1-fs near-IR pulse to an 11.6-fs mid-IR pulse spanning
an octave of bandwidth from 2-4 $mu$m. The adiabatic frequency converter is
designed to impart a constant group delay over the entire bandwidth,
eliminating the need for complex dispersion management and opening a new avenue
for dispersion engineering in ultrafast optics and photonics. Notably,
dispersion engineering through the position-dependent conversion position of an
adiabatic conversion device constitutes an additional mechanism for dispersion
control in ultrafast optics and photonics while maintaining high conversion
efficiency for broadband pulses.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Jeffrey Moses”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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