MoCo: Fuzzing Deep Learning Libraries via Assembling Code

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu

| First 5 Authors: Pin Ji, Yang Feng, Duo Wu, Lingyue Yan, Pengling Chen

| Summary:

The rapidly developing deep learning (DL) techniques have been applied in
software systems with various application scenarios. However, they could also
pose new safety threats with potentially serious consequences, especially in
safety-critical domains. DL libraries serve as the underlying foundation for DL
systems, and bugs in them can have unpredictable impacts that directly affect
the behaviors of DL systems. Previous research on fuzzing DL libraries still
has limitations in the diversity of test inputs, the construction of test
oracles, and the precision of detection. In this paper, we propose MoCo, a
novel fuzzing testing method for DL libraries via assembling code. MoCo first
disassembles the seed code file to obtain the template and code blocks, and
then employs code block mutation operators (e.g., API replacement, random
generation, and boundary checking) to generate more new code blocks adapted to
the template. By inserting context-appropriate code blocks into the template
step by step, MoCo can generate a tree of code files with intergenerational
relations. According to the derivation relations in this tree and the applied
mutation operators, we construct the test oracle based on the execution state
consistency. Since the granularity of code assembly and mutation is controlled
rather than randomly divergent, we can quickly pinpoint the lines of code where
the bugs are located and the corresponding triggering conditions. We conduct a
comprehensive experiment to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of MoCo
using three widely-used DL libraries (i.e., TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Jittor).
During the experiment, MoCo detects 64 new bugs of four types in three DL
libraries, where 51 bugs have been confirmed, and 13 bugs have been fixed by

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Jia Liu”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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