Performance evaluation of baseline-dependent averaging based onfull-scale SKA1-LOW simulation

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang

| First 5 Authors: Qing-Wen Deng, Feng Wang, Hui Deng, Ying Mei, Jing Li

| Summary:

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is the largest radio interferometer under
construction in the world. Its immense amount of visibility data poses a
considerable challenge to the subsequent processing by the science data
processor (SDP). Baseline dependent averaging (BDA), which reduces the amount
of visibility data based on the baseline distribution of the radio
interferometer, has become a focus of SKA SDP development. This paper developed
and implemented a full-featured BDA module based on Radio Astronomy Simulation,
Calibration and Imaging Library (RASCIL). Simulated observations were then
performed with RASCIL based on a full-scale SKA1-LOW configuration. The
performance of the BDA was systematically investigated and evaluated based on
the simulated data. The experimental results presented that the amount of
visibility data is reduced by about 50% to 85% for different time intervals
($Delta t_{max}$). In addition, different $Delta t_{max}$ have a significant
effect on the imaging quality. The smaller the $Delta t_{max}$, the smaller
the degradation of the imaging quality.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Feng Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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