Development of the Low Frequency Telescope Focal Plane Detector Modules for LiteBIRD

Kavli Affiliate: Keith L. Thompson

| First 5 Authors: Benjamin Westbrook, Christopher Raum, Shawn Beckman, Adrian T. Lee, Nicole Farias

| Summary:

LiteBIRD is a JAXA-led strategic large-class satellite mission designed to
measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background and Galactic
foregrounds from 34 to 448 GHz across the entire sky from L2 in the late 2020s.
The scientific payload includes three telescopes which are called the low-,
mid-, and high-frequency telescopes each with their own receiver that covers a
portion of the mission’s frequency range. The low frequency telescope will map
synchrotron radiation from the Galactic foreground and the cosmic microwave
background. We discuss the design, fabrication, and characterization of the
low-frequency focal plane modules for low-frequency telescope, which has a
total bandwidth ranging from 34 to 161 GHz. There will be a total of 4
different pixel types with 8 overlapping bands to cover the full frequency
range. These modules are housed in a single low-frequency focal plane unit
which provides thermal isolation, mechanical support, and radiative baffling
for the detectors. The module design implements multi-chroic lenslet-coupled
sinuous antenna arrays coupled to transition edge sensor bolometers read out
with frequency-domain mulitplexing. While this technology has strong heritage
in ground-based cosmic microwave background experiments, the broad frequency
coverage, low optical loading conditions, and the high cosmic ray background of
the space environment require further development of this technology to be
suitable for LiteBIRD. In these proceedings, we discuss the optical and
bolometeric characterization of a triplexing prototype pixel with bands
centered on 78, 100, and 140 GHz.

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