Early r-process Enrichment and Hierarchical Assembly Across the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Frebel | First 5 Authors: Xiaowei Ou, Alexander Yelland, Anirudh Chiti, Anna Frebel, Guilherme Limberg | Summary: Dwarf galaxies like Sagittarius (Sgr) provide a unique window into the early stages of galactic chemical evolution, particularly through their metal-poor stars. By studying the chemical abundances of stars in the Sgr core and tidal […]

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Automatic detection of fluorescently labeled synapses in volumetric in vivo imaging data

Kavli Affiliate: Adam S. Charles and Richard Huganir | Authors: Zhining Chen, Gabrielle I. Coste, Evan Li, Richard L. Huganir, Austin R. Graves and Adam Charles | Summary: Synapses are submicron structures that connect and enable communication between neurons. Many forms of learning are thought to be encoded by synaptic plasticity, wherein the strength of […]

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Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Nanotubes with Room Curie Temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Jia Wen Li, Gang Su, Bo Gu, , | Summary: Realizing ferromagnetic semiconductors with room Curie temperature $Trm_C$ remains a challenge in spintronics. Inspired by the recent experimental progress on the nanotubes based on 2D van der Waals non-magnetic transition-metal dichalcogenides, magnetic nanotubes based on monolayer ferromagnetic […]

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