Kavli Affiliate: Ting Xu
| First 5 Authors: Wei E. I. Sha, Xiaoyu Wang, Wenchao Chen, Yuhao Fu, Lijun Zhang
| Summary:
SolarDesign (https://solardesign.cn/) is an online photovoltaic device
simulation and design platform that provides engineering modeling analysis for
crystalline silicon solar cells, as well as emerging high-efficiency solar
cells such as organic, perovskite, and tandem cells. The platform offers
user-updatable libraries of basic photovoltaic materials and devices,
device-level multi-physics simulations involving optical-electrical-thermal
interactions, and circuit-level compact model simulations based on detailed
balance theory. Employing internationally advanced numerical methods, the
platform accurately, rapidly, and efficiently solves optical absorption,
electrical transport, and compact circuit models. It achieves multi-level
photovoltaic simulation technology from “materials to devices to circuits”
with fully independent intellectual property rights. Compared to commercial
software, the platform achieves high accuracy and improves speed by more than
an order of magnitude. Additionally, it can simulate unique electrical
transport processes in emerging solar cells, such as quantum tunneling, exciton
dissociation, and ion migration.
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