Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu
| First 5 Authors: Xiaocong Ai, Wolfgang Altmannshofer, Peter Athron, Xiaozhi Bai, Lorenzo Calibbi
| Summary:
We discuss the landscape of flavor physics at the Circular Electron-Positron
Collider (CEPC), based on the nominal luminosity outlined in its Technical
Design Report. The CEPC is designed to operate in multiple modes to address a
variety of tasks. At the $Z$ pole, the expected production of 4 Tera $Z$ bosons
will provide unique and highly precise measurements of $Z$ boson couplings,
while the substantial number of boosted heavy-flavored quarks and leptons
produced in clean $Z$ decays will facilitate investigations into their flavor
physics with unprecedented precision. We investigate the prospects of measuring
various physics benchmarks and discuss their implications for particle theories
and phenomenological models. Our studies indicate that, with its highlighted
advantages and anticipated excellent detector performance, the CEPC can explore
beauty and $tau$ physics in ways that are superior to or complementary with
the Belle II and Large-Hadron-Collider-beauty experiments, potentially enabling
the detection of new physics at energy scales of 10 TeV and above. This
potential also extends to the observation of yet-to-be-discovered rare and
exotic processes, as well as testing fundamental principles such as lepton
flavor universality, lepton and baryon number conservation, etc., making the
CEPC a vibrant platform for flavor physics research. The $WW$ threshold scan,
Higgs-factory operation and top-pair productions of the CEPC further enhance
its merits in this regard, especially for measuring the
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements, and Flavor-Changing-Neutral-Current
physics of Higgs boson and top quarks. We outline the requirements for detector
performance and considerations for future development to achieve the
anticipated scientific goals.
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