A Brain-Wide Map of Neural Activity during Complex Behaviour

Kavli Affiliate: Liam Paninski

| Authors: International Brain Lab, Brandon Benson, Julius Benson, Daniel Birman, Niccolo Bonacchi, Matteo Carandini, Joana A Catarino, Gaelle A Chapuis, Anne K Churchland, Yang Dan, Peter Dayan, Eric EJ DeWitt, Tatiana A Engel, Michele Fabbri, Mayo Faulkner, Ila Rani Fiete, Charles Findling, Laura Freitas-Silva, Berk Gercek, Kenneth D Harris, Michael Hausser, Sonja B Hofer, Fei Hu, Felix Hubert, Julia M Huntenburg, Anup Khanal, Christopher Krasniak, Christopher Langdon, Petrina Y P Lau, Zachary F Mainen, Guido T Meijer, Nathaniel J Miska, Thomas D Mrsic-Flogel, Jean-Paul Noel, Kai Nylund, Alejandro Pan-Vazquez, Alexandre Pouget, Cyrille Rossant, Noam Roth, Rylan Schaeffer, Michael Schartner, Yanliang Shi, Karolina Z Socha, Nicholas A Steinmetz, Karel Svoboda, Anne E Urai, Miles J Wells, Steven J West, Matthew R Whiteway, Olivier Winter, Ilana B Wi tten, Berk Gercek, Liam Paninski, Sebastian A. Bruijns and Felicia Davatolhagh

| Summary:

A key challenge in neuroscience is understanding how neurons in hundreds of interconnected brain regions integrate sensory inputs with prior expectations to initiate movements and thereby make decisions. It is difficult to meet this challenge if different laboratories apply different analyses to different recordings in different regions during different behaviours. Here, we report a comprehensive set of recordings from 621733 neurons across 139 mice in 12 labs performing a decision-making task with sensory, motor, and cognitive components, obtained with 699 Neuropixels probe insertions covering 279 brain areas in the left forebrain and midbrain and the right hindbrain and cerebellum. We provide an initial appraisal of this brain-wide map, assessing how neural activity encoded key task variables. Representations of visual stimuli appeared transiently in classical visual areas after stimulus onset and then spread to ramp-like activity in a collection of mid- and hindbrain regions that also encoded choices. Neural responses correlated with motor action almost everywhere in the brain. Responses to reward delivery and consumption versus negative feedback were also widespread. This publicly available dataset represents an unprecedented resource for understanding how computations distributed across and within brain areas drive behaviour.

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