A solvable model for strongly interacting nonequilibrium excitons

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents

| First 5 Authors: Zhenhao Song, Tessa Cookmeyer, Leon Balents, ,

| Summary:

We study the driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model with all-to-all hopping
and subject to incoherent pumping and decay, as is naturally probed in several
recent experiments on excitons in WS2/WSe2 moir’e systems, as well as quantum
simulators. By positing a particular form of coupling to the environment, we
derive the Lindblad jump operators and show that, in certain limits, the system
admits a closed-form expression for the steady-state density matrix. Away from
the exactly solvable regions, the steady-state can be obtained numerically for
100s-1000s of sites. We study the nonequilibrium phase diagram and phase
transitions, which qualitatively matches the equilibrium phase diagram,
agreeing with the intuition that increasing the intensity of the light is
equivalent to changing the bosonic chemical potential. However, the
steady-states are far from thermal states and the nature of the phase
transitions is changed.

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