Kavli Affiliate: Huajia Wang
| First 5 Authors: Jie Gu, Yunfeng Jiang, Huajia Wang, ,
| Summary:
We study non-perturbative effects of torus partition function of the
$Tbar{T}$-deformed 2d CFTs by resurgence. The deformed partition function can
be written as an infinite series of the deformation parameter $lambda$. We
develop highly efficient methods to compute perturbative coefficients in the
$lambda$ expansion. To exemplify, the first 600 coefficients for the
$Tbar{T}$-deformed free boson and free fermion are computed. Equipped with the
large order perturbative data, we provide convincing numerical evidence that
the $lambda$ expansion series is asymptotic and not Borel resummable. We
extract the non-perturbative contribution by resurgence and propose that they
originate from new complex saddle points after analytically continuing the
modular parameters in the integral representation of the partition function.
The proposal is checked by comparing the predicted asymptotic behavior of the
coefficients and large order perturbative data, which match nicely. The
implications of these non-perturbative contributions for the Stokes phenomenon,
which relates the positive and negative signs of $lambda$, is also discussed.
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