Constraints on Long-Ranged Interactions Between Dark Matter and the Standard Model

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Graham

| First 5 Authors: Zachary Bogorad, Peter Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, ,

| Summary:

Dark matter’s existence is known thanks to its gravitational interaction with
Standard Model particles, but it remains unknown whether this is the only force
present between them. While many searches for such new interactions with dark
matter focus on short-range, contact-like interactions, it is also possible
that there exist weak, long-ranged forces between dark matter and the Standard
Model. In this work, we present two types of constraints on such new
interactions. First, we consider constraints arising from the fact that such a
force would also induce long range interactions between Standard Model
particles themselves, as well as between dark matter particles themselves.
Combining the constraints on these individual forces generally sets the
strongest constraints available on new Standard Model-dark matter interactions.
Second, we consider the possibility of constraining new long-ranged
interactions between dark matter and the Standard Model using the effects of
dynamical friction in ultrafaint dwarf galaxies, especially Segue I. Such new
interactions would accelerate the transfer of kinetic energy from stars to
their surrounding dark matter, slowly reducing their orbits; the present-day
stellar half-light radius of Segue I therefore allows us to exclude new forces
which would have reduced stars’ orbital radii below this scale by now.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Peter Graham”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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