Symmetry-controlled orbital Hall effect in IrO$_2$

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph

| First 5 Authors: Michael Patton, Dongwook Go, Daniel A. Pharis, Xiaoxi Huang, Gautam Gurung

| Summary:

Recent discovery of orbital currents in several material platforms including
light element metals has opened new possibilities for exploring novel transport
phenomena and applications to spin-orbitronic devices. These orbital currents,
similar to spin currents, have the ability to generate torque on adjacent
magnetic layers, opening a new avenue for efficient spintronic devices.
However, separating spin and orbital currents has been one of the major
challenges. Here, we show evidence for large conventional as well as
unconventional spin and orbital currents in IrO$_2$ and disentangle them by
crystal symmetry. We study the anisotropic spin and orbital Hall effects in
IrO$_2$ (001), (100), and (111) orientations and find unconventional
z-polarized orbital torques using angular spin torque ferromagnetic resonance
of IrO$_2$/Ni heterostructures, which are in agreement regarding the relative
signs with theoretical calculations of spin and orbital Hall conductivity. This
work provides a promising route towards highly efficient low power spintronic
and orbitronic devices in oxide heterostructures.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Daniel C. Ralph”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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