Oxytocin receptor controls distinct components of pair bonding and development in prairie voles

Kavli Affiliate: Devanand Manoli and Jeremy Willsey

| Authors: Ruchira Sharma, Kristen M. Berendzen, Amanda Everitt, Belinda Wang, Gina Williams, Shuyu Wang, Kara Quine, Rose D. Larios, Kimberly L. P. Long, Nerissa Hoglen, Bibi Alika Sulaman, Marie C. Heath, Michael Sherman, Matthew Kinkel, Angela Cai, Denis Galo, Lizandro Chan Caamal, Nastacia L. Goodwin, Annaliese Beery, Karen L. Bales, Katherine S. Pollard, Arthur Jeremy Willsey and Devanand S. Manoli

| Summary:

Oxytocin receptor (Oxtr) signaling influences complex social behaviors in diverse species, including social monogamy in prairie voles. How Oxtr regulates specific components of social attachment behaviors and the neural mechanisms mediating them remains unknown. Here, we examine prairie voles lacking Oxtr and demonstrate that pair bonding comprises distinct behavioral modules: the preference for a bonded partner, and the rejection of novel potential mates. Our longitudinal study of social attachment shows that Oxtr sex-specifically influences early interactions between novel partners facilitating the formation of partner preference. Additionally, Oxtr suppresses promiscuity towards novel potential mates following pair bonding, contributing to rejection. Oxtr function regulates coordinated patterns of gene expression in regions implicated in attachment behaviors and regulates the expression of oxytocin in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, a principal source of oxytocin. Thus, Oxtr controls genetically separable components of pair bonding behaviors and coordinates development of the neural substrates of attachment.

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