Simulating a quasiparticle on a quantum device

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents

| First 5 Authors: Rimika Jaiswal, Izabella Lovas, Leon Balents, ,

| Summary:

We propose a variational approach to explore quasiparticle excitations in
interacting quantum many-body systems, motivated by the potential in leveraging
near-term noisy intermediate scale quantum devices for quantum state
preparation. By exploiting translation invariance and potentially other abelian
symmetries of the many-body Hamiltonian, we extend the variational quantum
eigensolver (VQE) approach to construct spatially localized quasiparticle
states that encode information on the whole excited band, allowing us to
achieve quantum parallelism. We benchmark the proposed algorithm via numerical
simulations performed on the one-dimension transverse field Ising chain. We
show that VQE can capture both the magnon quasiparticles of the paramagnetic
phase, and the topologically non-trivial domain wall excitations in the
ferromagnetic regime. We show that the localized quasiparticle states
constructed with VQE contain accessible information on the full band of
quasiparticles, and provide valuable insight into the way interactions
renormalize the bare spin flip or domain wall excitations of the simple,
trivially solvable limits of the model. These results serve as important
theoretical input towards utilizing quantum simulators to directly access the
quasiparticles of strongly interacting quantum systems, as well as to gain
insight into crucial experimentally measured properties directly determined by
the nature of these quasiparticles.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Leon Balents”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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