Spontaneously regenerative corticospinal neurons in mice

Kavli Affiliate: Nathaniel Heintz

| Authors: Benjamin W Fait, Bianca Cotto, Tatsuya C Murakami, Michael Hagemann-Jensen, Huiqing Zhan, Corinne Freivald, Isadora Turbek, Yuan Gao, Zizhen Yao, Sharon W Way, Hongkui Zeng, Bosiljka Tasic, Oswald Steward, Nathaniel Heintz and Eric F Schmidt

| Summary:

The spinal cord receives inputs from the cortex via corticospinal neurons (CSNs). While predominantly a contralateral projection, a less-investigated minority of its axons terminate in the ipsilateral spinal cord. We analyzed the spatial and molecular properties of these ipsilateral axons and their post-synaptic targets in mice and found they project primarily to the ventral horn, including directly to motor neurons. Barcode-based reconstruction of the ipsilateral axons revealed a class of primarily bilaterally-projecting CSNs with a distinct cortical distribution. The molecular properties of these ipsilaterally-projecting CSNs (IP-CSNs) are strikingly similar to the previously described molecular signature of embryonic-like regenerating CSNs. Finally, we show that IP-CSNs are spontaneously regenerative after spinal cord injury. The discovery of a class of spontaneously regenerative CSNs may prove valuable to the study of spinal cord injury. Additionally, this work suggests that the retention of juvenile-like characteristics may be a widespread phenomenon in adult nervous systems.

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