The Blending ToolKit: A simulation framework for evaluation of galaxy detection and deblending

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia Burchat

| First 5 Authors: Ismael Mendoza, Andrii Torchylo, Thomas Sainrat, Axel Guinot, Alexandre Boucaud

| Summary:

We present an open source Python library for simulating overlapping (i.e.,
blended) images of galaxies and performing self-consistent comparisons of
detection and deblending algorithms based on a suite of metrics. The package,
named Blending Toolkit (BTK), serves as a modular, flexible, easy-to-install,
and simple-to-use interface for exploring and analyzing systematic effects
related to blended galaxies in cosmological surveys such as the Vera Rubin
Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). BTK has three main
components: (1) a set of modules that perform fast image simulations of blended
galaxies, using the open source image simulation package GalSim; (2) a module
that standardizes the inputs and outputs of existing deblending algorithms; (3)
a library of deblending metrics commonly defined in the galaxy deblending
literature. In combination, these modules allow researchers to explore the
impacts of galaxy blending in cosmological surveys. Additionally, BTK provides
researchers who are developing a new deblending algorithm a framework to
evaluate algorithm performance and make principled comparisons with existing
deblenders. BTK includes a suite of tutorials and comprehensive documentation.
The source code is publicly available on GitHub at

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Patricia Burchat”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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