S-dual of Hamiltonian $mathbf G$ spaces and relative Langlands duality

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima

| First 5 Authors: Hiraku Nakajima, , , ,

| Summary:

The S-dual $(mathbf G^veecurvearrowrightmathbf M^vee)$ of the pair
$(mathbf Gcurvearrowrightmathbf M)$ of a smooth affine algebraic symplectic
manifold $mathbf M$ with hamiltonian action of a complex reductive group
$mathbf G$ was introduced implicitly in [arXiv:1706.02112] and explicitly in
[arXiv:1807.09038] under the cotangent type assumption. The definition was a
modification of the definition of Coulomb branches of gauge theories in
[arXiv:1601.03586]. It was motivated by the S-duality of boundary conditions of
4-dimensional $mathcal N=4$ super Yang-Mills theory, studied by Gaiotto and
Witten [arXiv:0807.3720]. It is also relevant to the relative Langlands duality
proposed by Ben-Zvi, Sakellaridis and Venkatesh. In this article, we review the
definition and properties of S-dual.

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