A General Method for Optimal Decentralized Control with Current State/Output Feedback Strategy

Kavli Affiliate: Yawen Sun

| First 5 Authors: Hongdan Li, Yawen Sun, Huanshui Zhang, ,

| Summary:

This paper explores the decentralized control of linear deterministic systems
in which different controllers operate based on distinct state information, and
extends the findings to the output feedback scenario. Assuming the controllers
have a linear state feedback structure, we derive the expression for the
controller gain matrices using the matrix maximum principle. This results in an
implicit expression that couples the gain matrices with the state. By
reformulating the backward Riccati equation as a forward equation, we overcome
the coupling between the backward Riccati equation and the forward state
equation. Additionally, we employ a gradient descent algorithm to find the
solution to the implicit equation. This approach is validated through
simulation examples.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Yawen Sun”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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