Correlators of long strings on AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng

| First 5 Authors: Zhe-fei Yu, Cheng Peng, , ,

| Summary:

In this work, we calculate correlators of long strings on
AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$ with pure NS-NS flux. We first construct physical
vertex operators that correspond to long strings. Due to the GSO projection,
they depend on the parity of the spectral flow parameter $w$. For a given $w$,
we construct the physical operators that have the lowest space-time weights in
both the NS and R sector. Then, we calculate three point correlators for each
possible type of parities of spectral flows. We find that the recursion
relations of correlators in the bosonic SL$(2,mathbb{R})$ WZW model can be
understood from the equivalence of these superstring correlators with different
picture choices. Furthermore, after carefully mapping the vertex operators to
appropriate operators in the dual CFT, we find that once the fermionic
contributions together with the picture changing effects are correctly taken
into account, some mathematical identities of covering maps lead to the
matching of the correlators of the two sides. We check this explicitly at the
leading order in the conformal perturbation computation and conjecture that
this remains correct to all orders.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Cheng Peng”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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