Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation Drives Bi-Directional Changes in Excitability in Prefrontal Cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Jyoti Mishra and Dhakshin Ramanathan

| Authors: Morteza Salimi, Milad Nazari, Jonathan Mishler, Jyoti Mishra and Dhakshin Ramanathan

| Summary:

Summary: Theta burst stimulation (TBS), an FDA-cleared treatment for depression, is hypothesized to modulate excitability in the prefrontal cortex, though this has not definitively been shown in vivo. We performed calcium imaging on glutamatergic neurons in awake rodents to understand the effects of theta burst stimulation at a cellular level. Our findings provide the first direct evidence that TBS bidirectionally modulates glutamatergic activity when delivered in vivo and directly links calcium activity changes during stimulation with post-stimulation plasticity.

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